Python Resources
Learning Python
I've reviewed these resources and highly recommend them.
If you have never programmed with Python before, you may want to start with DataCamp's Learn python by example:
-, powered by DataCamp. For example, look at the String Formatting lesson
If you want to just read, I recommend starting with the Python Tutorial:
If you have not programmed before, you may try:
- Dive Into Python 3 (book, online for free; a little dated.)
- Python for Non-Programmers
If you have programmed before, at this point I recommend:
- Official Python Documentation. Just read the documentation. Honestly.
- Python Tips (book, online for free)
- Python Google Style Guide.
Using Python
Recommended packages and tools for different tasks
Developer Tools
- PyCharm
- Jupyter Notebook
Numerical Data Processing
- numpy - numeric analysis in python (needed for matplotlib)
- pandas or SparkSQL
- tabulate - create tables easily (but see my tytable replacement)
Date Data
String Formatting
- --- Big how-to on using the % and .format() formatting
Image Manipulation
- Use Pillow, the Python2/3 fork of Python Image Library (PIL).
Fun examples:
Text Processing
- matplotlib - a handy system for plotting in python. (Short example of using matplotlib within jupyter)
- holoview
- Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python
- geopy - geocoding for Python
- Seaborn. (See Datacamp Tutorial)
Easy Graphics
- HTML graphics:
- pygame - a Python game development system
- PEAK Easy Install
- Crystal Space 3D
- VPython 3D Programming in Python
Database Access
Python contains built-in support for SQLite3.
For using MySQL, you'll need a connector. There are many available.
Install MySQL connector on anaconda:
conda install mysql-connector-python
Then you can:
import mysql.connector as mysql c = mysql.connect(host=host,database=db,user=user,password=password)
I generally prefer PyMySQL, as it's pure-python and has fewer dependencies.
Python GUI Options
I need to write some programs that use GUI.
- pyqt - Use PyQT5 (it's part of Anaconda)
- FLTK, the Fast Light Toolkit
Building Web Applications
You basically have two options:
- Write a CGI script (slow, but easy. Don't use for more than 1 request every 10 seconds)
- Some sort of Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). Options include:
- Bottle (easy, and the whole thing runs from a single file)
- Flask (can run on Apache with Passenger, but needs its own domain name)
The WSGI server needs to be run from a program that receives the Port80 connections. The two ways I've done this are:
- mod_wsgi running within Apache
- CherryPy
Examples and resources:
Notes on flask:
$ touch tmp/restart.txt # reload your program
Using Passengers on Dreamhost:
Python Installation
If you are using a Mac, you almost certainly want to ditch Apple's python implementation and instead install your own.
I now recommend the Anaconda Python distribution, because it has almost everything that you need, and it's easy to add new modules.
If you want to write a Python program with a GUI that can be run on any system, you'll need to use Tkinter (Python's Tcl/Tk bindings). If you want to actually enjoy what you are writing, you want to use PyQT5..
Advanced Python
- Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming (you can get it on Safari)