Mingw notes
Cross compiling mingw.
Mingw is the GNU C Compiler set retargeted to produce Microsoft Windows executables. This makes it really easy to create C code that runs on all three platforms. mingw is pretty stable, but I want to do some fairly advanced things involving multi-threading and producing both 32-bit and 64-bit executables. That's been problematic. This page summarizes some of what I've learned.
It's not not clear what options need to be provided to both configure scripts and the compiler. There is an `-mthreads` compiler option which seems to be required for some multi-threading safety bits, whatever that means. Specifying -mthreads creates a dependcy fir mingwm10.dll, however. According to some posts I've read the dependency goes away if you are using GCC 4.5.2 or above:
You probably want to run the most recent version of the compiler, of course.
mingw on Windows
Running mingw on Windows is the most reliable method (at the moment) to compile. You can download MSys and run it. MSys is a minimal Unix environment that runs within Windows. It's "enough" to run configure scripts.
Msys shell typically runs:
sh.exe --login -i
You can make OpenSSL with:
$ ./config no-threads --prefix=... --openssldir='C:/mingw/msys/1.0/...'
mingw on MacOS
You can install through MacPorts, but you only get the v3 compiler:
sudo port install i386-mingw32-binutils i386-mingw32-gcc i386-mingw32-libunicows i386-mingw32-runtime i386-mingw32-w32api
An installer for the MinGW 4.3.0 compiler (as of February 3, 2009) can be downloaded from http://crossgcc.rts-software.org/doku.php. This seems to be a powerful way to go,
mingw on Ubuntu
There are both 32-bit and 64-bit mingw compilers available for ubuntu.
apt-get install mingw32
That gave me the 4.2.1 compiler.
I could then compile with the following maker file:
mingw on fedora
Typing yum search mingw yields a bunch of hits:
mingw32-filesystem.noarch : MinGW base filesystem and environment mingw32-libgnurx.noarch : MinGW Regex library mingw32-libgnurx-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows regular expression library mingw32-runtime.noarch : MinGW Windows cross-compiler runtime mingw32-atk.noarch : MinGW Windows Atk library mingw32-atk-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Atk library mingw32-binutils.x86_64 : MinGW Windows binutils mingw32-boost-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Boost C++ library mingw32-cairo.noarch : MinGW Windows Cairo library mingw32-cairo-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Cairo library mingw32-cppunit.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ unit testing framework mingw32-crossreport.noarch : Analysis tool to help cross-compilation to Windows mingw32-curl.noarch : MinGW Windows port of curl and libcurl mingw32-curl-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Curl library mingw32-dbus-static.noarch : Static version of MinGW Windows port of DBus library mingw32-dlfcn-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows dlfcn library mingw32-enchant.noarch : MinGW Windows Enchanting Spell Checking Library mingw32-enchant-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows enchant library mingw32-fontconfig.noarch : MinGW Windows Fontconfig library mingw32-gcc.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-compiler (GCC) for C mingw32-gcc-c++.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-compiler for C++ mingw32-gcc-gfortran.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-compiler for FORTRAN mingw32-gcc-objc.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C mingw32-gcc-objc++.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-compiler support for Objective C++ mingw32-gdbm.noarch : MinGW port of GNU database routines mingw32-gdk-pixbuf.noarch : MinGW Windows GDK Pixbuf library mingw32-gettext-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Gettext library mingw32-glib2.noarch : MinGW Windows GLib2 library mingw32-glib2-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows GLib2 library mingw32-gnutls.noarch : MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library mingw32-gtk2.noarch : MinGW Windows Gtk2 library mingw32-gtk2-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Gtk2 library mingw32-gtkhtml3.noarch : MinGW library for embedding a lightweight web browser in GTK programs mingw32-gtkhtml3-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows GtkHTML library mingw32-hunspell.noarch : MinGW Windows spell checker and morphological analyzer library mingw32-hunspell-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows hunspell library mingw32-iconv-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Iconv library mingw32-jasper.noarch : MinGW Windows Jasper library mingw32-jasper-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Jasper library mingw32-libffi.noarch : A portable foreign function interface library for MinGW mingw32-libglade2.noarch : MinGW Windows Libglade2 library mingw32-libglade2-static.noarch : Static MinGW Windows Libglade2 library mingw32-libgpg-error.noarch : MinGW Windows GnuPGP error library mingw32-libidn-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library mingw32-libjpeg.noarch : MinGW Windows Libjpeg library mingw32-libjpeg-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Libjpeg library mingw32-libpng.noarch : MinGW Windows Libpng library mingw32-libsigc++20.noarch : MinGW Windows port of the typesafe signal framework for C++ mingw32-libsigsegv.noarch : MinGW library for handling page faults in user mode mingw32-libsoup.noarch : MinGW library for HTTP and XML-RPC functionality mingw32-libsoup-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Libsoup library mingw32-libssh2-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library mingw32-libtiff-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows LibTIFF library mingw32-libxml2.noarch : MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library mingw32-libxml2-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows XML processing library mingw32-libxslt-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library mingw32-openssl.noarch : MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit mingw32-openssl-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW port of the OpenSSL toolkit mingw32-pango.noarch : MinGW Windows Pango library mingw32-pango-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Pango library mingw32-pcre.noarch : MinGW Windows pcre library mingw32-pdcurses.noarch : Curses library for MinGW mingw32-pixman.noarch : MinGW Windows Pixman library mingw32-pixman-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows Pixman library mingw32-plotmm.noarch : MinGW GTKmm plot widget for scientific applications mingw32-portablexdr.noarch : MinGW Windows PortableXDR / RPC Library mingw32-qpid-cpp.noarch : MinGW Windows port of AMQP C++ Daemons and Libraries mingw32-qwt.noarch : MinGW Windows Qwt library mingw32-srvany.noarch : Utility for creating services for Windows mingw32-termcap.noarch : MinGW terminal feature database mingw32-w32api.noarch : Win32 header files and stubs mingw32-webkitgtk.noarch : MinGW Windows web content engine library mingw32-webkitgtk-static.noarch : Static version of the MinGW Windows WebKitGTK+ library mingw32-wpcap.noarch : MinGW user-level packet capture mingw32-zfstream.noarch : MinGW Windows abstraction API for reading and writing compressed files mingw32-zlib.noarch : MinGW Windows zlib compression library mingw32-zlib-static.noarch : Static libraries for mingw32-zlib development. mingw32-OpenSceneGraph.noarch : Fedora mingw high performance real-time graphics toolkit mingw32-SDL.noarch : MinGW Windows port of SDL cross-platform multimedia library mingw32-SDL_image.noarch : MinGW Windows port of the Image loading library for SDL mingw32-SDL_mixer.noarch : MinGW Windows port of Simple DirectMedia Layer's Sample Mixer Library mingw32-atkmm.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ interface for the ATK library mingw32-boost.noarch : MinGW Windows port of Boost C++ Libraries mingw32-bzip2.noarch : MinGW port of bzip2 file compression utility mingw32-cairomm.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ API for the cairo graphics library mingw32-cpp.x86_64 : MinGW Windows cross-C Preprocessor mingw32-dbus.noarch : MinGW Windows port of DBus mingw32-dirac.noarch : Dirac is an open source video codec mingw32-expat.noarch : MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library mingw32-freeglut.noarch : Fedora MinGW alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) mingw32-freetype.noarch : Free and portable font rendering engine mingw32-gettext.noarch : GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages mingw32-glibmm24.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) mingw32-gtk-vnc.noarch : MinGW Windows port of VNC client GTK widget mingw32-gtkmm24.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) mingw32-gvnc.noarch : MinGW Windows port of VNC GObject mingw32-iconv.noarch : GNU libraries and utilities for character set conversion mingw32-libgcrypt.noarch : MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library mingw32-libglademm24.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ wrapper for libglade mingw32-libidn.noarch : MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library mingw32-libltdl.noarch : Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader mingw32-libp11.noarch : MingGW Windows libp11 library mingw32-libsq3.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine mingw32-libsqlite3x.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine mingw32-libssh2.noarch : MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol mingw32-libtiff.noarch : MinGW Windows port of the LibTIFF library mingw32-libxml++.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library mingw32-libxslt.noarch : MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine mingw32-minizip.noarch : Minizip manipulates files from a .zip archive mingw32-nsiswrapper.noarch : Helper program for making NSIS Windows installers mingw32-openjpeg.noarch : MinGW Windows openjpeg library mingw32-opensc.noarch : MingGW Windows OpenSC library mingw32-pangomm.noarch : MinGW Windows C++ interface for Pango mingw32-physfs.noarch : MinGW Windows port of the PhysicsFS library mingw32-plib.noarch : Fedora mingw set of portable game related libraries mingw32-plib-static.noarch : Static version of Fedora mingw set of portable game related libraries mingw32-pthreads.noarch : MinGW pthread library mingw32-readline.noarch : MinGW port of readline for editing typed command lines mingw32-sigar.noarch : MinGW Windows sigar library mingw32-sqlite.noarch : MinGW Windows port of sqlite embeddable SQL database engine mingw32-tcl.noarch : MinGW Windows Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle mingw32-tk.noarch : MinGW Windows graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language mingw32-wpcap-docs.noarch : MinGW pcap documentation mingw32-wpcap-examples.noarch : Example source code for MinGW pcap mingw32-OpenThreads.noarch : OpenThreads mingw32-celt051.noarch : An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication mingw32-dlfcn.noarch : Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror) mingw32-libgeotiff.noarch : GeoTIFF format library mingw32-libogg.noarch : The Ogg bitstream file format library mingw32-liboil.noarch : Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions mingw32-libzip.noarch : C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives mingw32-nsis.x86_64 : Nullsoft Scriptable Install System mingw32-proj.noarch : Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4) mingw32-qt.noarch : Qt for Windows mingw32-qt-qmake.x86_64 : Qt for Windows Build Environment mingw32-xerces-c.noarch : MingGW Windows validating XML parser qdevelop.x86_64 : Development environment dedicated to Qt4
I got going on Fedora Core 14 with the following commands:
sudo yum install mingw32-pthreads
This installed the 4.5.x compiler:
[root@FC14 simsong]# i686-pc-mingw32-gcc --version i686-pc-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.5.0 20100414 (Fedora MinGW 4.5.0-1.fc14) Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [root@FC14 simsong]#