Setting up a Macintosh

From Simson Garfinkel
Revision as of 07:59, 14 June 2011 by Simson (talk | contribs)
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My strategy for setting up a new Mac:

  1. Wipe the disk and install OS.
  2. Download and install Apple Developer tools.
  3. Consider purchasing and using these Apple Apps:
    1. iLife
    2. iWork
    3. When you have installed them, be sure to run Apple Update.
  4. Download and install the following commercial apps (many of them are free; others are licensed):
    1. Norton Anti-Virus (recommended by DoD)
    2. Microsoft Office
    3. Microsoft Silverlight
    4. SuperDuper!, an easy-to-use backup system for the Mac which makes bootable drives.
    5. OmniGraffle
    6. PDF Pen
    7. Tuxera NTFS for mac
    8. XMarks for Safari
    9. LastPass or 1Password for Password management and synchronization.
    10. [ DropBox if you don't want to use Mobile Me (or if you want to share files with your Android phone.)
  5. Download and install the following open source software:
    1. MacPorts
    2. Adium
    3. Ext2FS for MacOS
    4. A GUI EMACS Aquamacs, Emacs 21 for MacOS , or
    5. MacTeX
  6. GUI Tweaking:
    1. Drag the Terminal, Console, and Activity Monitor applications from /Applications/Utilities into the Dock.
    2. Put the Dock on the right side of the screen (it was designed for use on the right side of the screen and takes up less screen real estate there.)
    3. Go to Preferences/Keyboard and make the CAPSLOCK key a control key.
  7. Go to the Terminal and type the following:
    1. sudo port selfupdate
    2. sudo port install unison ispell aspell aspell-dict-en hunspell-dict-en_US wget
    3. sudo port install python27 python_select py27-matplotlib py27-scipy py27-ipython
    4. sudo python_select python27

Developer Tools