AWS Tutorial

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Welcome to Simson's Amazon Web Services tutorial. Below are the key topics that you need to know about Amazon Web Services, and a curated set of articles and videos that will teach you the concepts.

General AWS Information

  • Before you do anything else, understand the AWS billing model:
    • On-Demand, Spot and Reserved Pricing.
    • Storage Pricing
  • Understand users and authentication: AWS root users, IAM users, ACCESS_KEY

Specific AWS Services

You may wish to review:

You should understand the following AWS services:

EC2 — Elastic Compute Cloud


Fedora: fedora@ipaddress AWS Linux: ec2-user@ipaddress Spark: hadoop@ipaddress

EBS — Elastic Block Service

Challenge question:

  • EBS is part of EC2. Why?

S3 — Simple Storage Service

EMR — Elastic Map Reduce

Challenge questions:

  • What makes Elastic Map Reduce **Elastic**?
  • What's the difference between a Master, Core, and Task node?
  • Some EMR nodes only support EBS, some support both EBS and SSD. Why?

EFS — Elastic File System

Lambda and Serverless Technologies

Artificial Intelligence


pip install

Don't forget: use pip install awscli and not pip install aws, otherwise you will get this:

 % aws
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/simsong/opt/anaconda3/bin/aws", line 5, in <module>
    from aws.main import main
  File "/Users/simsong/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aws/", line 23
    print '%(name)s: %(endpoint)s' % {
SyntaxError: invalid syntax