Data Catalog Resources
From Simson Garfinkel
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I suggest reading these sources in this order:
- DCAT-US Schema v1.1, the schema that is used to report information to
- DCATv3 - Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT), how we represent catalog information
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, and especially the DCMI Metadata Terms
- FOAF (ontology) on Wikipedia
- FOAF Vocabulary Specification 0.99, the actual vocab used for FOAF. See an example of FOAF in XML from the O'Reilly XML Hacks book. Also see the Introduction to FOAF on the website.
- RDF 1.1 Turtle, an easy-to-use notation for RDF triples. See also the Turtle (syntax) description on Wikipedia.
- Research Description Framework, an overview of RDF
- Web Ontology Language