Macintosh Notes

From Simson Garfinkel
Revision as of 22:46, 12 April 2009 by Simson (talk | contribs)
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Notes on the Macintosh

I do most of my work on Macs because I like having a full Unix operating system, I like having well-integrated graphical tools, I like having hardware that's highly integrated with the software, and I like having other people worry about the system administration. The Mac is a great system, but I've also found that there are some programs that make it a lot easier to use:

Other places to look for cool Mac stuff:

Backing up a Mac

Although there are some nice programs like Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper! for backing up Macs, here is an easy way to clone /dev/disk0s2 to /dev/disk1s2:

 asr --source /dev/disk0s2 --target /dev/disk1s2 --erase --noprompt 
 disktool -n disk1s2 backup