Q: I'm an old SBook user on the Next. How do you suggest I import my sBook files? The direct import function did not work.

A: Save the old files as SBook ASCII. They should then import quite easily.

Q: When I click on an e-mail icon in an address book entry, the address gets passed to Apple's Mail.app. For those of us who have engrained Eudora habits, is there any way to select which mail program is called by clicking on the e-mail icon?

A: Take a look at the "Email" tab of the Internet preferences panel. SBook is simply creating and then opening a "mailto:" URL. Whatever program is registered as your default Mail reader will run.

Q: Clicking on the Web site icon seems to call my default browser. So I am assuming that SBook is getting that information from somewhere, although I don't know where.

A: Macintosh OS X has a system for handling all URL types. When you click on a Web site icon, SBook tries to open an "http:" URL, which causes your default web browser to start up. Once again, you'll find the control for this in the Internet control panel.

Q: When I click on the icon next to an address, nothing happens. I am assuming that is supposed to print an envelope or label, and that it is not yet implemented. Or am I missing something? If it is just not yet implemented, it would be nice if a single click could do a user-selectable default action (print envelope, print label, etc.) and option click could give a pop-up menu with choice of those actions.

A: It's not implemented yet. BTW, try dragging the icon.

Q: I notice several things having to do with internationalization. The word for "Street" in my language is not recognized. Likewise, some of the cities in my country are recognized, but many others are not. Would it not be easier to have the user define street-like entries herself? Or maybe SBook should have a publicly accessible repository for address, phone number, zip code and other formats.

A: Thanks for the email. Internationalization is a bugaaboo. Are you a native French and/or Dutch speaker? If so, could I give you the list of words and have you translate them? Due to the way that the parser is compiled, it is not possible, at the present time, to have this information be user-enterable. Likewise, if you can give me example of foreign zips and phones that I am not catching, I will add them. It is possible at some point in the future I will make this stuff user-loadable, but for now I get much better leverage by having people send me the fixes and putting them into the master parser.

q: SBook looks cool and interesting. I need a bit of advice though. Currently I use a contact mgr/PIM (NowContact/UTD) to manage my PR type database contacts. Its implementation of Keyword tagging is really shaky. Is there a way you suggest to use Sbook that can serve my needs of tagging contacts with a total pop of up to 100 different keywords?

The easiest way to use keywords is just to type them at the bottom of the entry. Sorry that there is nothing more formal. But this works pretty good, especially with SBook's boolean search functions. (To search for all of the records that contain the keywoards JTS and CISSP, search for JTS|CISSP.)