Once you've finished writing the text in FrameMaker, there's no need to export your text file to a layout program.  you're already there.  FrameMaker is a complete publishing package, including tools for word processing, graphics and layout.

With almost no effort, you can use any of FrameMaker's long list of layout templates.  Or, with just a little effort, you can design a layout from scratch.

Define a page size.  Anything within the realm of reason is acceptable, from a business card to a poster measuring four feet by four feet.  Multiple columns are fine, even if you need columns of varying width.

FrameMaker doesn't scare easily.  It handles the longest, most complex documents--automatically creating tables of contents, indexes and lists of figures and tables.  It can also handle the cross-referencing automatically, so when you move that illustration from Chapter 4, page 76 to Chapter 12, page 441, your references take care of themselves.

Save time using "formats."  FrameMaker lets you create character formats (for type style, size and kerning) or paragraph formats (for margins, leading and justification).  Once created, you can apply these formats to selected text with one click--in this document or ones you create in the future. 
The entire library of Adobe PostScript fonts is becoming available for the NeXT Computer.  And since the on-screen image is generated by Display PostScript, what you see on the display is exactly what will print--even if you choose a nonstandard point size or rotate text.
Paste in the graphic image you created in TopDraw.  Now you can easily create a link between programs, and any change you make to the image in TopDraw will automatically appear in your FrameMaker layout.  This link even works over a network, so when the art department decides to make a change, you'll see it in the layout without having to ask.