Quantum Physics to the Rescue
Cryptographic systems can be cracked. And people make mistakes.
Take those two factors out of the equation, and you have quantum
cryptography and a new way to protect your data.
By Simson Garfinkel
Most modern crypto-graphic techniques ultimately stand on some pretty weak assumptions. The popular RSA public-key encryption
algorithm gets its strength from the difficulty of factoring large
numbers. But if a government or criminal organization has a
mathematician who figures out how to factor large numbers quickly and
efficiently, then much of the information that's encrypted on today's
Internet—and almost everywhere else—will suddenly become vulnerable to eavesdropping
and wiretapping. CSOs need to understand that today's cryptographic
systems, which protect information moving over networks, are vulnerable
to human error and attack. But there's something you can do about it. A
new kind of cryptography based on quantum physics is now ready for serious consideration.
The problem with RSA is that these systems typically
need some kind of public-key infrastructure for key management. And
doing key management securely is really difficult.
It turns out that there are only two encryption techniques that are
provably unbreakable. The first technique, called a one-time pad, uses
an encryption key that is as long as the message you are trying to
encrypt. Such systems don't work well in practice: It's just too easy
to make a mistake and reuse a part of the encryption key. The key also
has to be completely random and you need to distribute the key, which
you can do only with a physical courier. Make sure he has a gun.
The second kind of secure encryption is based on quantum physics. Called quantum cryptography,
such systems have been the gist of academic conferences and physics
journals since the basic scheme was invented by IBM in 1984. Quantum
cryptography has also been a running joke among some security pundits,
who say the system is so secure nobody needs it—conventional
cryptography is strong enough because cryptography is never the weakest
link in the chain.
But wait! Now there's a real-live quantum cryptography system that
you can purchase for about $70,000. It provides absolutely unbreakable
security for any fiber link you want—provided that the link you need to
secure is no more than 120 kilometers long—and the system is
astoundingly easy to set up and administer. That's because unlike
virtual private networks, or VPNs, which are based on conventional
cryptography, quantum cryptography doesn't require you to create keys
and keep them secret, and there's no need to distribute certificates.
The system makes its own keys automatically. They're absolutely random,
and they change a dozen times every second.
I recently had a chance to visit the labs of MagiQ Technologies, the
company that's commercializing this technology. MagiQ's system uses
quantum cryptography to transfer encryption keys from a sender, which
the company affectionately calls "Alice," to a receiver, which the
company calls "Bob." Once Alice and Bob have used quantum cryptography
to get that secret encryption key across the link, those keys are used
to encrypt standard TCP/IP or UDP/IP packets sent across a single-mode
optical fiber. MagiQ calls this approach quantum key distribution
(QKD), and they call the resulting VPN a quantum private network, or
Choice Over IPProtecting intellectual property (IP) and confidential information is important and challenging. Read More
It's important to realize that the MagiQ system is not a pure
solution: The keys generated using the quantum physics are used, in
turn, to drive a conventional encryption system based on the advanced
encryption standard (AES). But many mathematicians feel more
comfortable with the security that's provided by AES, which is a
symmetric cipher, than by the security that's offered by public-key
algorithms like RSA. Besides, conventional VPN systems use AES as well.
The real beauty of the MagiQ system is that you don't need RSA.
The problem with RSA is that these systems typically need some kind
of public-key infrastructure (PKI) for key management, and doing key
management in a secure manner is really difficult. In order to be
secure, the private keys in a PKI must be kept secret. But that's
tricky, because keys also need to be used frequently. For example, Web
servers typically keep their private keys in a file; if somebody breaks
into the Web server and steals that file, then all of the encrypted
information that the Web server sent over the Internet can now be
decrypted. If an attacker manages to steal the key from your
organization's certificate server, he can now impersonate anyone within
your entire organization.
QKD eliminates these vulnerabilities by eliminating the long-lived
private keys. Here's how it works. In the MagiQ system, Alice and Bob
are actually a pair of 40-pound "4u" boxes that fit in standard 19-inch
racks connected by a strand of single-mode "dark fiber." Alice encodes
each photon with a 1 or a 0 and sends them, one at a time, over the
fiber to Bob. At the other end of the fiber, Bob is waiting with a
special optical package that can detect a single photon and read back
the bit. Most of the time, Bob is unable to make out the message that
Alice has sent, but on perhaps one out of every 1,000 photons, Bob
figures it out. Over another wavelength, Bob tells Alice which photons
he got, and then the two systems use the 1s and 0s that were encoded on
those photons as their cryptographic key.
The security of this system comes from the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, which says it is impossible to measure fundamental
properties of single particles without affecting those particles at the
same time. Because each bit is sent on a single photon, if someone is
sniffing the network to intercept those photons, the photons will be
changed in the process—and Bob won't get the message that Alice was
trying to send.
The reason that Heisenberg doesn't protect today's wireless networks
is that they send each bit of information on trillions upon trillions
of photons. Some of those photons go from the access point to your
laptop's wireless card, some of them get absorbed in your eyeballs and
some of them go to the attacker's sniffer across the street. Heisenberg
affects each one of those photons, of course, but because there are so
many to go around, everybody gets their crack at your data.
So who needs quantum cryptography? One obvious customer is all of
the financial institutions crowded into Lower Manhattan, says Mike
LaGasse, MagiQ's vice president of engineering. These companies
typically have offices in New York City, data centers across the river
in New Jersey, and rented dark fiber connecting the two. The problem
with this dark fiber is that it typically runs through junction boxes
that are located in the basements of the buildings—sometimes in a
location that's controlled by a direct competitor. Companies rely on
strong encryption to protect the information that's moving over these
fibers. The problem, of course, is that there is no way for the
companies to know if their keys have been compromised. It's the sort of
thing that should keep a CSO up late at night.
MagiQ's boxes are ideal for organizations that have a large campus
and a lot of sensitive information—for example, a military base, an
airport or a large commercial campus. These organizations typically
have lots of fiber, lots of random people walking around, and lots of
insiders who could be blackmailed into revealing secret keys, given the
right incentives. With QPN there's nothing to reveal.
Of course, QKD can't really provide unbreakable security because the
MagiQ boxes are not the only component on your network. A well-funded
and sufficiently motivated attacker could try to intercept your data
before it goes into the QPN or when it comes out on the other end.
There's also a chance that MagiQ has some sort of flaw in its
encryption devices—probably not in the quantum or the optical system
but perhaps in the design of the packet encryptor that runs the QPN.
And there's a chance that the box might have some kind of radio
emanations that reveal the raw, unencrypted data to an attacker who has
a good radio and directional antenna.
To address these kinds of concerns, MagiQ is in the process of
applying for federal certification of its project. Once the
certification has been awarded, MagiQ will submit its device for
evaluation. And the next generation of the company's devices will use
standard IPsec
protocols. Steps like these go a long way toward addressing concerns
that security experts might have with the part of the system that
doesn't rely on physics for its security.
If the MagiQ boxes are reliable, if they integrate well into
existing networks, if they really are easy to manage, and if the
company gets its certifications in place, then there is no reason why a
CSO wouldn't want to consider this approach to secure high-speed
corporate links—especially those that go over the public fiber
infrastructure. QKD could be just the thing for encrypting
transmissions between a bank's headquarters and its data center—or for
encrypting that link between the data center and a backup location. On
the other hand, I don't think that we'll ever see quantum cryptography
going to the desktop. But, who knows? "Ever" is a long time.
Simson Garfinkel, CISSP, is a technology writer based in the Boston area. He can be reached via e-mail at machineshop@cxo.com.
Most Recent Responses:
The amount of resources that would be required to decipher this would
be so large that John Q. Criminal would not find the investment
worthwhile. Government funds (taxpayers funds) would be required to finance the capability, if I have understood this theory correctly. And
at a cost of $70,000 currently, this technology will be safe for some
time to come (no guess on my part as to how long due to the vast
changes in tech during the last five years alone).
Bernard Haas
Does the Magiq box send single
photons or clusters of them? I assume a photon from a cluster could be
evesdropped, but data on single photons could not without knowledge
being given to the sender.
Martin Tippins
EncData Ltd