Unencumbered and Insecure
You can wirelessly sync your cell phone with
your laptop. You can use the cell phone's built-in modem to put your
laptop on the Internet. With speed. Without cables. But be aware, even
with security built in from the get-go, Bluetooth has problems.
If the wireless revolution has taught us anything, perhaps the single
most important lesson is that people who design radio systems are
notoriously bad at designing systems that are secure.
Remember analog cell phones back in
the 1980s and '90s? Those phones transmitted their mobile serial
numbers (MSNs) without the use of encryption
or even a simple challenge-response system, making it easy for bad guys
to clone phones and run up literally billions of dollars in fraudulent
cell phone charges.
We've faced different but equally
troubling security problems with cordless telephones, Wi-Fi wireless
networking and radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, of
course. But we've also seen security problems with relatively simple
wireless systems like garage door openers and car alarms. In fact, I
can't think of a single wireless communications system that hasn't had
a significant security problem. Even worse, the problems have almost
always been predicted in advance, pooh-poohed by vendors and then
acknowledged to be problems after the equipment is widely deployed.
The very nature of wireless
communications systems encourages sloppy security thinking on the part
of wireless designers. After all, when a new wireless system is under
development and not being sold to the general public, the bad guys—by
definition—don't have the wireless system either. As a result,
designers are lulled into thinking that many possible attacks would be
hard, if not impossible, for a typical bad guy to perpetrate. After
all, it's hard to build a new wireless system.
But once a system is built and
deployed, the bad guys can examine it. They can also purchase one radio
and use it to attack a second. Of course, the more radios that are
deployed, the more valuable the attack. Perversely, the more radios
that are deployed, the bigger the incentive for the manufacturer to
cover up or minimize the impact of the vulnerability—after all,
vulnerabilities are potential liabilities.
All of this, of course, brings us to
the subject of Bluetooth, the two-way wireless communications system
designed to create "personal area networks" between your cell phone,
your cell phone's wireless headset, your laptop, PDA and whatever other
devices you're packing.
Bluetooth uses the same part of the
radio spectrum as Wi-Fi wireless LANs. But whereas Wi-Fi uses a
technique known as "direct sequence" to encode information, Bluetooth
uses a different spread spectrum technique known as "frequency
hopping." The Bluetooth transmitter hops 1,600 times every second to a
different frequency inside unlicensed 2.4GHz radio band. Bluetooth and
Wi-Fi are not compatible: If a Wi-Fi system is transmitting a packet
when Bluetooth steps through, that packet is lost. For this reason,
some businesses have banned the use of Bluetooth on their property for
fear of interference with their wireless networks. In practice, though,
it's very hard to ban something that's running in a cell phone unless
you physically search everybody entering your property and confiscate
the phones of visitors. I've worked at places where such precautions
are taken, but for most businesses this is probably a losing battle.
Unlike Wi-Fi, Bluetooth was designed
for extremely short-range communications. Class 1 Bluetooth devices
have a maximum power output of 100mW and a theoretical range of 300
feet in free space. Class 2 devices have a maximum power of 2.5mW and a
corresponding range of 30 feet. Class 3 devices have a power of 1mW and
a range of 3 feet or less. Naturally, Bluetooth headsets tend to be
Class 3 devices: Using less power, they can have correspondingly longer
battery life.
Although it was slow to catch on at
first, Bluetooth is becoming increasingly popular. It's built into many
PalmOne Tungsten PDAs, available on all Macintosh laptops, many
ThinkPads and an increasing number of cell phones—especially GSM cell
phones sold in Europe. With Bluetooth, you can wirelessly sync your
cell phone with your laptop, or use the cell phone's built-in modem to
put your laptop on the Internet. Wireless means no cables to buy,
tangle or lose. It's also faster to sync over Bluetooth than over a
serial or USB cable. Bluetooth is just cool.
But Bluetooth has many security problems—with more still being discovered.
To be fair, Bluetooth's designers
did build a rudimentary security model into the system. For starters,
every Bluetooth device has a unique serial number called a BD_ADDR.
This serial number is set by the factory when the device is
manufactured. Every Bluetooth device also has a database of which other
devices it trusts. When it first turns on, every Bluetooth device is
supposed to trust nothing. But if you choose, you can explicitly "pair"
two devices so that they will trust each other. Once two devices are
paired, they can exchange encryption keys and use those keys to
scramble all information exchanged between the two of them.
The first problem with this security model is the BD_ADDR itself: Just like an Ethernet media access control
(MAC) address, it can be changed. As a result, if an attacker is able
to observe the radio communications between two devices, the attacker
can clone one of those devices' BD_ADDRs and fool the other.
The second problem is the encryption
itself. An attacker who clones a BD_ADDR can't steal a prenegotiated
encryption key, but in practice, few Bluetooth devices actually turn
encryption on. There's also some concern regarding the Bluetooth
encryption algorithm: Rather than using an industry-standard algorithm
like RC4 or AES, the Bluetooth designers invented their own. Although
the algorithm hasn't been cracked, I suspect that it's only a matter of
Authenticity Matters
Given that cybercrime is growing faster than kudzu in a manure patch,
it's ridiculous that most employees still log on to their corporate
networks using a single, easy-to-guess password.
Read More | The
third problem with the security model is that there are many functions
that are explicitly allowed between untrusted devices. One of the most
common of these is the Bluetooth function of sending and receiving
business cards. This is an allowed untrusted operation because, in
theory, you can always delete somebody's business card. But an attacker
can use this feature to fill up your phone's address book with a
thousand different cards. Alternatively, somebody interested in
promoting a new nightclub, for instance, might just walk around town
with a program that searches out Bluetooth phones and transmits an
advertisement to each one in the form of a business card. There's even
a program called BlueSpam (download it from www.mulliner.org) that does precisely this: It runs on a PalmOne Tungsten.
Bluetooth promoters were quick to
defend these vulnerabilities, arguing that the limited range of the
Bluetooth signal makes the system more secure than it might otherwise
be. If somebody is close enough to you that you can send him a piece of
you're close enough to reach out and wring his neck, the theory goes.
Lots of hip singles in Europe keep their Bluetooth phones enabled all
the time: Using business cards to flirt.
There are two problems with this
spatial locality argument. First, it is possible to attack somebody's
Bluetooth phone using an automated hacking
tool running on a PDA that's hidden in your pocket. Since humans can't
see radio waves, it's impossible to tell who the attack is actually
coming from. The second problem is that the range of Bluetooth devices
I quoted above assumes that the devices are equipped with a pretty
cheap antenna and no amplifier. Using a 500mW amplifier and a 19
decibel antenna mounted on the stock of a sniper's rifle, John Hering,
a student in Los Angeles, created the "BlueSniper" Bluetooth rifle.
This weapon can lock on to an ordinary Bluetooth device at the distance
of a mile.
The biggest security problem with
Bluetooth today, however, has nothing to do with the underlying
security model. The big problem is that many Bluetooth devices have the
same sort of bugs and security vulnerabilities as those that have been
haunting Microsoft since it started shipping Internet Explorer in the
mid-1990s: Poor programming practices, poor quality assurance and a
lack of attention to security have resulted in exploitable buffer
overflows and other kinds of attacks.
One set of vulnerabilities that has
been discovered allows an attacker to reach into a phone's address book
and retrieve or modify information. Another vulnerability leaves the
database of trusted devices open to attack. To be fair, some cell phone
vendors have issued "patches" to fix these vulnerabilities. In
practice, of course, many phones won't get patched or otherwise
upgraded. You can find an excellent list of which phones are vulnerable
to which vulnerabilities at www.thebunker.net/security/bluetooth.htm.
The potential dangers of these vulnerabilities are vast. A Bluetooth virus
could be passed from phone-to-phone by people passing each other in the
street. After a week, the virus could turn ugly and have everybody's
phone dial 911. In Europe, a phone could issue a so-called reverse
short message service transaction and actually transfer money from the
phone subscriber's bank account to the attacker's.
There are also privacy issues with
Bluetooth surrounding the BD_ADDR itself. Because the number usually
doesn't change, an attacker with a lot of Bluetooth sensors around the
city could use a BD_ADDR to track people's movements. These problems
are very similar to the privacy issues raised by RFID.
I like Bluetooth a lot. I like being
able to sync my PDA to my laptop without having to take out a cable. I
like being able to use my cell phone as a laptop gateway. I applaud the
goal of universal interconnectivity. But Bluetooth vendors have got to
take security issues more seriously, or else we're going to see a new
generation of attacks on the cellular telephone system that will make
the worms we've lived with on the Internet look like child's play.
Simson Garfinkel, CISSP, is a technology writer based in the Boston area. He can be reached via e-mail at machineshop@cxo.com.