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SECURING WEB SERVICES is easy: All you have to do is secure your
Web server, secure every message flowing in and out of your server,
secure every application that has anything to do with SOAP and XML, and
secure the business operations and practices driving the whole thing.
OK, OK. So securing Web services
isn't that easy—in fact, it's downright difficult. So, in the
traditional fashion of software development—where the market demands
features now and security later—many businesses are tempted to deploy
Web services that aren't tremendously secure (and many probably do).
In one sense, it could be argued
that that isn't so terrible. Most of the potential security problems
with Web services won't immediately be found by people with automated
scanning tools if they're not yet trained to find the problems. But Web
services security holes can be easily exploited by knowledgeable
insiders—people interested in hacking for revenge or monetary gain. The
insider threat is always at least as serious as the anonymous hacker
threat. So ultimately, it pays to properly secure these services.
Since Web services is built on top
of a Web server, the first step in securing Web services is to secure
the server itself. Vulnerabilities have been found during the past year
in both Microsoft IIS and the Apache Web server. So no matter which Web
server you run, make sure you have installed all of the necessary
security updates.
Next, audit your server so there are
no unauthorized or legacy CGI, ASP or PHP scripts. Confirm that raw
scripts can't be downloaded by people on the Internet. If your Web
service is based on a database, make sure that the scripts don't
contain user names and passwords. Instead, put that information in a
separate file that's read by each script when it starts up. Among other
things, that will make changing your passwords on a regular basis
Making Connections
After you secure your Web server, you need to worry about how your
Web services clients are going to connect to it. Are you going to be
making anonymous Web services available over the Internet, or do you
intend to use Web services for high-value transactions with your
customers and suppliers? If money or business reputation or potentially
confidential information is involved with your Web services, you'll
almost certainly want to combine some form of authentication—to
validate your incoming connections—with some form of encryption—to
prevent unauthorized snooping on the actual transactions.
If you search for "securing Web
services" on the Microsoft product support website, you'll get a nice
set of articles on how to configure your Web server for the SSL encryption standard and how to install an SSL certificate.
There's also a great article by Matt
Powell titled "Defending Your XML Web Service Against Hackers." Key
issues that Powell addresses are spoofing, denial-of-service attacks
and exploitable bugs.
Powell points to two issues to
consider when creating Web services: buffer overflows and SQL-injection
attacks. Buffer overflows are, of course, one of the most common
security problems on the Internet today. They happen because a
programmer has written a piece of code that assumes some piece of data
will never be longer than, say, 256 characters.
To exploit the bug, an attacker
provides a block of data that's much longer—say, 1,034 characters. Most
of the attacker's data is garbage, but at the block is a small program.
Because of the way the C programming language is implemented, the
attacker's program can end up being executed by the Web server itself,
giving the attacker complete control of your system. Avoid the problem
by having your programmers assiduously check the length of every string
read over the network—or by programming in Java, a language that
doesn't have buffer overflows.
Talking Points
SQL-injection attackers are more subtle. Short for structured query
language, SQL is the standard language for communicating with
structured databases. Most database-driven Web services use information
provided by the Web services client to create SQL statements. But if
the application developer isn't careful, a malicious client can put
actual SQL commands into the data stream. Unless the application
developer specifically quotes or otherwise removes special characters
from the data stream, those commands can be passed along to the
Even if you have a secure Web server
and a secure Web services application, it's important to remember that
many of these services are nothing more than glorified order-entry
systems. Unless you have additional controls on those orders, you can
run into more traditional security problems. Guard against them!
For example, many businesses have
some kind of fraud-detection system running on their credit card
processing engine, which means that suspicious-looking transactions are
blocked until they can be manually reviewed. If you are accepting
XML-enabled purchase orders through a Web services application, you
should have suitable antifraud systems in place on the Web service as
well. Simple systems establish a maximum number of dollars and
transactions per customer per month, and prohibit certain items to be
sent to certain geographical regions (such as Nigeria) without explicit
Web services are increasingly being
used for complicated business negotiations, transactions and even
outsourced information processing. Already some Web services provide
credit rating, credit scoring and loan application processing.
Typically these are business-to-business applications that are used to
enable consumer-facing Web servers operated by commercial banks.
Subject to Change
Alas, as companies use Web services for increasingly complex
business transactions, they're going to be covered by negotiated legal
agreements written in English. And, like all legal agreements, they'll
be subject to change. That can mean problems for companies that want to
rely on information exchanged over Web services. In other words, a
credit score of 580 might mean something different in January than it
did last July.
Is the fact that different Web
services results can have differing interpretations a security issue?
Probably not. But in all likelihood, that issue is going to be solved
using the same mechanism as many security issues—that is, through the
use of digital signatures.
For example, a Web services request
would include the URL of the legal agreement under which the request is
made, and perhaps a cryptographic hash or digital signature
of that agreement, just so that the client and the server can both be
in harmony as to which legal agreement is in force. Such issues will
become even more important as companies begin to use the same Web
services to offer different services to different partner organizations
under different terms and conditions.
Of course, you can deploy completely useful Web services using only
basic user name and password authentication, no encryption—and never
have a single security problem. But if you are that reckless, be sure
to keep it a secret.
Many SOAP (simple object access
protocol) and XML security issues are being addressed by the World Wide
Web Consortium's XML Signature and XML Encryption
projects, and by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards SOAP Message Security standard. Essentially,
these standards provide for a uniform way of assigning time stamps to
messages, to prevent replay attacks; of computing cryptographic hashes
of SOAP messages, to protect their integrity; of digitally signing the
messages, to establish their authorship; and of encrypting the
messages, to prevent eavesdropping as the messages are sent over the Internet.
Observant readers will note that
several of the goals of the standard—specifically encryption and
digital signatures—are already provided by Web servers that require SSL
encrypted client-side certificates. The advantage of creating a new
signature standard for Web services is that SSL protects only the
transmission—it doesn't actually protect the data. With XML signatures
or SOAP Message Security, the digital signature remains as part of the
SOAP message and can be verified again. You can find out more
information about these standards at www.w3.org and www.oasis-open.org.
Of course, you can deploy completely useful Web services using only basic user name and password authentication, no encryption—and never have a single security problem. But if you are that reckless, be sure to keep it a secret.
Finally, a Plea
When a spate of mass-mailing computer worms and viruses hit this
past August, my e-mail inbox was flooded. But my inbox wasn't filled
with copies of a virus; it was filled with e-mail messages from
antivirus systems all over the world telling me that I had sent them a virus, and that the message had been filtered.
My computer was never infected with
a virus. Other people's computers were infected, but they were sending
e-mail messages with faked "from" addresses. Years ago it made sense to
send e-mail to people who were sending out virus-infected e-mail
messages. But those days have long passed. Today the vast majority of
worms and viruses fake the return address. Antivirus systems that send
out notification e-mail messages merely compound the problem.
On one day I received more than 200
of these notification messages—messages that were supposed to be
helpful. And I was one of the lucky ones; someone I know from the MIT
Media Lab received more than 2,300 messages in one 24-hour period. If
your company's antivirus system is set up to send these notification
messages, please change the configuration. Otherwise, your antivirus
system is just making the problem worse.
Simson Garfinkel, CISSP, is editor-at-large for CSO. He is the founder of Sandstorm Enterprises, a computer security tools company. Reach him at machineshop@cxo.com.
> Convergence Competition
Most Recent Responses:
Good, understandable article, for people starting with implementing
webservices and are not the security expert like the first one who
responded !
Gerrit Smink
Probably the worst and most over simplistic article about securing web services I have ever read !Take a look at owasp.org's web services column. I seriously think this kind of stuff is irresponsible !
Martin Johnson
The impact of these vulnerabilities and their frequency is not fully
understood. In a recent project, we tested nearly a hundred, high-end
web apps. Nearly all of them could be exploited (with serious
consequence) by either Cross-site scripting, SQL-Injection or buffer
overflows. And often developers are unaware of such techniques.Many
predict that next round of "Phishing" (i.e. the bogus bank Emails) will
involve cross-site scripting, with bogus login panels being generated
as if they came from the legitimate server. Even if you check the SSL
certificate by clicking on the key or pad-lock on your browser as many
current user guidance documents recommend, you'll still be fooled as
the code will be directed via a valid web server. The writing is on the wall, the next phase of dangerous hacks will be at the application level.
Mark Osborne
Head of Security
Attenda Ltd