Biometrics Slouches Toward the Mainstream
The systems are getting cheaper, but accuracy and acceptance kinks remain
WITH FACE recognition systems turning up in airports, palm geometry scanners installed at "secure" Exodus hosting
facilities, and Panasonic selling the Authenticam iris recognition
system for less than $200, biometrics have finally moved from the
laboratory to the marketplace. Indeed, the International Biometrics
Group pegs the market at $524 million in 2001, growing to $729 million
in 2002. But if you screen out the hype, you'll soon discover that few
of those applications have progressed beyond technology demonstrations
and early adopters. Having lived with a voice-print lock on my front
door for seven years, I have a few words of advice to CSOs: Step slowly
when deploying biometric systems within your organization. Instead of
using biometrics to let people log in to their computer systems, start
by using them to control physical access to buildings and high-security
areas. Finally, make sure that you have a backup for when the system
fails—because eventually, it will.
Fingerprints Everywhere
As the name implies, biometrics involves
measuring the human body. In theory, any aspect of the body that is
different for each person and that can be consistently measured can
serve as a unique identifier. In practice, the biometrics being
deployed can be packaged into readers costing $300 or less, which today
means principally fingerprint-, iris- or voice-recognition systems.
Automatic fingerprint identification
systems have been used with great success by law enforcement agencies
since the 1980s. Fingerprints are by far the most widely used biometric
today, and the most widely respected. Most people take it as a matter
of faith that each person has his own unique fingerprint and that a
computer can rapidly search out one person's fingerprint from a
database of millions. Indeed, we have become so enamored with the
concept of fingerprints that the word is popping up all over: DNA-based identification systems are known as DNA fingerprinting; and the MD5 message digest code is commonly referred to as the fingerprint for a file.
But it's important to realize that the fingerprint
systems that have been developed and refined for law enforcement are
not the fingerprint readers that are making their way onto desktop
computers. Law enforcement agencies use trained technicians to record
fingerprints with ink and paper on 10-print cards; those cards are then
digitized using an optical scanner and analyzed using proprietary
algorithms. Pen-and-ink systems obviously can't work in a corporate
desktop environment, so a number of companies have tried to create
so-called "live-scan" readers that will scan a fingerprint directly
from a finger into the computer. The catch: Those readers don't work
for everybody. "Many live-scan fingerprint readers have a hard time
getting a good fingerprint on, for example, people who have dry skin,"
says Charles Wilson, a biometric expert at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. Those readers can also fail with thin skin or
shallow ridges—traits common among the elderly. Depending on the
reader, roughly one person in 1,000 may not scan successfully.
Iris identification is even more accurate than
fingerprints, thanks to the tremendous detail and variation in each
person's eyes. However, there is again a small percentage of people who
cannot use those systems, because, for example, of an inability to
stabilize their iris, says James L. Wayman, director of Biometric
Research at San Jose State University.
Biometrics can also be fooled by sudden changes in a
person's body—cut your finger, and you might not be able to log in. For
all of those reasons and many more, every biometric that's deployed in
a real-life setting needs to have some kind of back door to let people
in who can't, for whatever reason, properly authenticate.
Authentication Vs. Identification
Biometrics can be used in two different ways.
The technology can be used to authenticate an individual by comparing a
biometric reading from a person with a single stored template, the
so-called "one-to-one" application. A biometric-enabled ATM might check
to see if the iris of the person who is trying to withdraw money
matches the iris for the account holder that's on file. Used in this
manner, biometrics can be exceedingly accurate—especially if it is used
in conjunction with a second factor, such as a smart card, PIN or
Alternatively, biometrics can be used to identify a
person from a database of thousands or millions—the so-called
"one-to-many" application. This is the way that biometric face ID
systems from companies such as Viisage and Visionics (now called
Identix) are being used at airports to scan for known terrorists. The
computer has a database of known bad guys, and it consults the entire
database as each potential traveler walks by. Those systems are
inherently less accurate than one-to-one because the chances of a
mismatch, or "false positive," are proportional to the size of the
On the surface, biometrics seem like the perfect tools for authenticating computer users.
fingerprint systems developed and refined for law enforcement are not
the fingerprint readers that are making their way onto desktop
| Unlike passwords, a biometric print can't be
forgotten—no more passwords written on yellow sticky notes—and
bioprints can't be shared, sold or stolen by social engineering.
Indeed, that's one of the reasons that I bought an ECCO voice-print
lock for my front door: I was renting out a spare room in the house,
and with the biometric reader, I never had to change my house's locks.
But biometrics are not foolproof: A person's
bioprint can be captured, copied and then fraudulently submitted for
verification. For this reason, readers need to have some sort of
built-in security to make sure that they are actually performing a live
scan; encryption should be used to protect data as it travels from the
reader to the database; and the verification software should reject
attempts that are too close a fit. Meanwhile, experienced biometric
scientists know that they should never use a fingerprint scanner that
doesn't have a pulse detector or some other way to detect the culpable
use of a severed digit.
Be very wary if you hear a company boasting about
its system for "biometric encryption." Because a biometric print will
never read exactly the same way twice, biometric encryption systems
need some form of error correction so that encrypted data can actually
be decrypted at a later point in time. This error correction makes it
easier for an attacker to "guess" the correct encryption key, since a
close guess will be corrected. An even bigger problem with those
systems: If your key is compromised, there is no way to change your
Better for Doors Than Windows
That's why I'm a big fan of using biometrics for
physical access control—such as the front door lock that I had for so
many years. Besides preventing people from sharing or duplicating keys,
the lock made it clear to visitors that I took security seriously.
Deploy a fingerprint-based time-card reader at a
supermarket and you can be sure that clerks won't be punching each
other's time cards. Likewise, a hand geometry reader installed at an
airport will prevent an $8/hour employee from giving the access code to
a terrorist or selling a card for a few thousand dollars (and then
reporting the card "lost" a few hours later). Even better, those
systems are sold today as sealed, stand-alone units, which makes them
both more reliable and more resistant to attack than bioprint readers
on Internet-connected computers.
Within the coming months, expect to see live-scan
fingerprint readers turning up in laptops and cell phones. Integration
done by the manufacturer will reduce cost—ultimately to $25 or less—and
increase the chances that those systems will actually work as intended.
If they do, and if they are accepted by end users, then biometrics
might take off in the coming years. If not, biometrics will probably be
sent back to the labs for another decade of R&D.

Simson Garfinkel, CISSP, is a technology writer
based in the Boston area. He is also CTO of Sandstorm Enterprises, an
information warfare software company.