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*But was afraid to ask
LAST MONTH we discussed public-key cryptography, a mathematical system for scrambling information. You'll recall that with public-key cryptography, encryption
is performed with two mathematical keys: one that users keep secret,
called the private key, and one that they can freely distribute, called
the public key. These "keys" are really nothing more than a sequence of
numbers, typically several hundred digits long. What's important is
that the two numbers are created together and paired, and that anything
encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only with the secret key.
Back in the 1970s, the inventors of public-key cryptography
thought that people would one day publish their public keys in some
kind of directory—such as a phone directory but with hundred-digit keys
instead of phone numbers. That way, if someone you had never met wanted
to send you a private message over an electronic network, that person
could look up your public key in the directory and then use the key to
encrypt the message. When you got the message, you could decrypt it
with your private key. (Although the idea of using encryption for
e-mail might seem visionary for the 1970s, it really wasn't: Professors
and graduate students at MIT had been sending e-mail to each other
since the early 1960s and were well acquainted with the privacy
problems that arose from it.)
Shortly after the creation of
public-key cryptography, people noticed a potential problem: I mean,
how do you know that the key printed in the public directory next to
the name "Simson Garfinkel" really belongs to me if you have never met
me before? As it turns out, there's really no way to know for sure. You
need to trust the company that published the directory and hope the key
in the directory really belongs to me and not to some shadowy
organization that's secretly intercepting my e-mail.
To protect the integrity of
information, we rely on an aspect of public-key cryptography called
digital signatures. Instead of having you encrypt a message with my
public key and send it to me, I encrypt the message with my private key
and send it to you. If you can decrypt that message with my public key,
then you know that the message had to have been signed with my private
key—mathematically there's simply no refuting this fact. So as long as
I am the only person who has my private key, you can assume that the
message, in fact, came from me!
Digital signatures can be used to
sign any kind of digital information, such as an e-mail message or a
purchase order. The company that printed the directory could digitally
sign the entire directory with its private key. Before you use my key
to send me a message, you first verify the digital signature using your copy of the publisher's public key.
In practice, publishers don't sign
the entire directory; they sign each individual directory entry—called
"certificates"—because they consist of a person's name, her public key
and a digital signature created with the publisher's private key. The
popular X.509v3 certificate format allows all kinds of information to
be embedded into a certificate and digitally signed. Because they issue
these certificates, we call the publishers "certificate authorities,"
or CAs. These days the whole system of directories, certificates and
CAs goes by the buzzword public-key infrastructure, or simply PKI.
Early public-key systems used the same keys for both sealing and
signing. Today's systems use separate keys for these two functions for
a variety of technical and political reasons.
To send me an encrypted message,
all you do is go to that directory, search for my name, download my
certificate, verify it with your copy of the publisher's public key and
then use the copy of my public key that's on my certificate to send me
an encrypted e-mail message. It's a complicated process; but
fortunately, the code that implements the process is built into
Outlook, Netscape Navigator and many other programs.
Notice how the entire strength of this system rests upon four things: the software that does the encryption,
your copy of the publisher's public key, the publisher's
trustworthiness and the private keys. Your e-mail client might not
actually encrypt the message, or it might send an encrypted blind copy
to Siberia. Alternatively, someone could infiltrate the certificate authority
and have it issue certificates in my name that have his keys. Or he
could simply steal my private key. If any of these things happens, the
security offered by PKI is lost.
That, in a nutshell, is what PKI is
all about—it's a certificate authority's promise about the identity of
a person or business that has possession of a private key. Of course,
PKI is also much, much more complicated.
During the past 10 years, there has
been a Herculean effort to incorporate the principles and technology of
PKI into many aspects of our business and personal lives. The first
step was to distribute software that could understand and verify
digital certificates. Netscape Navigator, the first such program, used
PKI to verify the digital certificates on so-called secure websites. By
"secure," Netscape meant that the website could be accessed using the
SSL encryption protocol. An aggressive public education campaign
convinced many people that it wasn't safe to send credit card numbers
over the Internet unless those numbers were encrypted with SSL. Because
Netscape sold the only SSL-enabled Web server, the company took off.
But while the use of PKI increased
Netscape's stock price, it didn't do a whole lot to actually provide
security to credit card transactions. SSL server certificates give
users an encrypted channel to a Web server, but it's up to the users to
examine the certificate and see if the name matches with whom they wish
to communicate. For example, if you connect to a website like www.store.palm.com
and want to find out if the site is really operated by Palm or not, you
should be able to look at the Organization and Organization Unit fields
of the certificate and find out who it was really issued to—that is,
provided that the CA that issued the certificate did its job properly,
and provided that the company that got the certificate didn't lose
control of its private key.
That's the theory. But in the years
since SSL certificates have been widely deployed, practice has become
quite lax. When I looked at the certificate that certifies the
publisher of Palm Computing's Palm Store in July, for example, I
discovered that there was no meaningful information inside the cert's
Organization and Organization Unit fields. Most people don't notice
this, of course, because the user interfaces of Internet Explorer and
Netscape Navigator make it so very difficult to actually look at the
fields on the certificate. Who is to blame? It turns out that the fault
here lies with Equifax, the CA that apparently issued the certificate.
Of course, the big dollars in PKI
aren't with server certificates—the big payoff comes when people like
you and me start getting client-side certificates that allegedly verify
our identity when we connect to a secure server using SSL or special
purpose software. Client-side certificates let computers use possession
of a private key as an identifier. In theory this is better than using
passwords or biometrics
because the computer that verifies your identity needs only your public
key. That prevents the verifying computer from stealing your password
and then impersonating you to a third party. This is what PKI advocates
mean when they say PKI prevents identity theft.
One problem with client-side certs
is that you need a way to prove your identity to the CA in the first
place. Another problem is that you need a secure place to keep your
private key; most people aren't good at memorizing hundred-digit
numbers. Typically, keys themselves are encrypted with some sort of
pass-phrase and either stored on a hard disk or in a smart card. As a
result, the security of most PKI systems frequently degenerates into
the security of traditional password-based systems instead.
Another problem is differing
interpretations of what it means to use a client-side certificate. With
Microsoft's Internet Explorer, when you use your digital certificate
it's a big deal, like you are signing some kind of legal document. But
with Netscape Navigator, your secret key can be used automatically,
transparently, and without your knowledge, whenever you touch a website
that asks for a signature. With either system, you don't always know
exactly what you are signing—you just know what your computer says you
are signing. It's entirely possible that your computer might be
infected with a Trojan Horse
that says you are signing one document, when in fact you are signing
another. Supporters of PKI who claim that PKI provides "nonrepudiation"
of business contracts and other legal documents invariably gloss over
that point.
Not surprising, the most successful
PKI deployments are at organizations that have already verified the
identity of their employees and members: For these organizations, PKI
helps improve security by eliminating passwords with an infrastructure
that supports single sign-on. But in many other situations, a
compelling case for PKI as it is currently envisioned has yet to be
Simson Garfinkel, CISSP, is a technology writer based in the Boston
area. He is also CTO of Sandstorm Enterprises, an information warfare
software company. He can be reached at machineshop@cxo.com.
> Fraud Finders
Most Recent Responses:
Recently, I've been working with a number of firms who are trying to
either assess their risk in emails, or to address the risks identified
so far.
While S/Mime and PGP address the 'who sent it' problem, these standards
prevent virus controls at the mail gateway, not to mention the
distribution problems in the article.
Whose job is it to force the email administrator to disable virus
protection, either partially or completely, depending on the AV
Who signs the exemption from company policy?
Who takes liability when one party is in another company, and their
gateway has to have email virus protecton disabled/reduced?
When most email viruses come from someone you know, this is not a
matter to ignore. Lyal
Lyal Collins