Michael L. Dertouzos
Extended Biography
BOARDS AND REVIEW GROUPS...........................................................................3
PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCE PAPERS....................................................6
MEDIA...........................................................................................................................1 1
INVITED ADDRESSES AND LECTURES...............................................................1 4
MEETINGS AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS..............................................................2 5
CONSULTING...............................................................................................................3 0
TEACHING....................................................................................................................3 1
COURSES TAUGHT.....................................................................................................3 1
THESES SUPERVISED................................................................................................3 1
MIT COMMITTEES....................................................................................................3 3
Director, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (formerly Project
MAC), an MIT Laboratory of some 500 people engaged in forefront computer science research (1974 - Present). Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, MIT
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1973 -); Associate Professor (1968 - 1973); Assistant Professor (1964 - 1968); Research Assistant (1961 - 1964). Consultant to several companies in computer science and engineering
(1958 - ) (see Consulting, pg. 23). One of three founders and Chairman of the Board of Computek, Inc.
(1968 - 1974). Head, Research and Development, Baldwin Electronics, Inc. (1958 -
1961). |
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
M.S. in Electrical Engineering B.S. in Electrical Engineering Gymnasium Diploma |
1964 MIT
195 9 University of Arkansas
19 57 University of Arkansas 1954 Athens College in Greece |
Born Athens, Greece, 1936
U.S. citizen
Wife: Hadwig; Children: Alexandra and Leonidas
Hobbies: Music, Woodwork, Sailing, Skiing
Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, 1990. I >//
Elected to the National Academy of Arts & Sciences, Athens, Greece,
June 1980. Charter Member, Arkansas Academy of Electrical Engineering, since
1981. Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, since 1976.
Terman Education Award 1975: International Education Award of
the American Society for Engineering Education to best educator under 40 years of age in all Engineering disciplines. U.S. Delegate to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
annual delegation to Popov Congress, Moscow, USSR, 1969. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, B. J. Thompson Prize,
1968; presented for best paper published through IEEE by author under 30 years of age. Various Who's Who Entries (Who's Who in America, in Greece, in
Technology Today, etc). Ford Post Doctoral Fellow, MIT, 1964-1966.
Member Honorary Mathematics Society Pi Mu Epsilon, Honorary
Engineering Society Tau Beta Pi, Research Society Sigmi Xi. Fulbright Scholar, 1954-1956 (from Greece to US).
Member, Center for Strategic & International Studies Strengthening
of America Commission, 1990-present. Member, Open Software Foundation, Organizing Committee, 1988 -
present. |
Member, National Research Council, Commission on Physical Sciences,
Mathematics, and Resources, Computer Science and Technology Board, 1986 - 1990. Member, Executive Committee Institute for Defense Analysis
Information Science and Technology Study Group, 1987 - present. Chairman, DARPA Advisory Committee on Information Processing,
1984 - 1988. Member, Data General Scientific Board, 1984 - present .
Director, Flexible Computer Corporation, 1982 - 1986. One of Several Founding Members, Steering Committee of
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), 1982- 1983. (See also paper entitled "Software Technology and Computer Architectures by 2000 A.D.," under Publications and Conference Papers, which was influential in the genesis of MCC). Member, Harvard Medical School Committee on Information
Processing in Health and Medicine, 1981-1983. Chairman, Advisory Committee on Information Network Structure
and Functions for the Executive Office of the President of the United States, 1979 - 1981. (Over a two-year period, this group developed an architecture for the President's office information systems.) Vice Chairman, Trustees of Athens College, 1973 - present.
Member, IEEE Committee on Telecommunications Policy, 1979 -
1981. Director and Chairman of the Board, Boston Camerata, 1976 - 1981.
Chairman, Review of US Strategic Air Command's Computer
Capabilities, 1978. Member, Review Committee of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's
Computer Research, January 1978. Director, Cambridge Society for Early Music, 1974 - 1975.
Member, Editorial Board, Proceedings of the IEEE Special Issue on
Computer-Aided Design, January 1972. Member, IEEE Press Board, 1971 - 1972.
Member and Chairman, IEEE Subcommittee for Cultural Relations
with Eastern European Countries, 1969 - 1975. Founder and Chairman of the Board, Computek, Inc., 1968 -191 A.
Editorial Board, IEEE Proceedings, Special Issue on Computer-Aided
Design, November 1966. |
Myers, Brad A. (Ed.) Languages for Developing User Interfaces,
Boston, Jones and Barlett Publishers, 1992 (Chapter 2, "The User Interface Is The Language). Dertouzos, M.L., R.K. Lester, R. Solow, and the MIT Commission.
Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge, MIT Press, 1989. Translated into Japanese, Korean, French, German (Die Krise der USA), Italian and Portuguese. Dertouzos, M.L. and Moses, J. (Eds.) The Computer Age: A Twenty
Year View, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1979 (translated into Japanese 1980). Clarke, A.C., M.L. Dertouzos, M. Halle, I. deSola Pool and J.B. Wiesner
The Telephone's First Century and Beyond, New York, Thomas Crowell Company, 1977. Dertouzos, M.L., M. Athans, R.N. Spann and S. Mason, Systems,
Networks, and Computation: Multivariable Methods, New York, McGraw Hill, 1974. Dertouzos, M.L., M. Athans, R.N. Spann and S. Mason, Systems,
Networks and Computation: Basic Concepts, New York, McGraw Hill, 1972 (translated into Polish 1976). Dertouzos, M.L., Threshold Logic: A Synthesis Approach, Cambridge,
MA, MIT Press (translated into Russian 1966). |
US Patent No. 3,449,721 on Graphical Display System
US Patent No. 3,058,001 on Incremental Photoelectric Encoder
US Patent No. 3,705,956 on Graphic Tablet
US Patent No. 3,984,809 on Parallel Thermal Printer
"Leadership Through Science and Technology", MIT: Shaping the
Future, Kenneth R. Manning (Ed.), MIT Press, 1991. "Communications, Computers and Networks", Scientific American,
September 1991, Vol. 265, No. 3. Cover Story, "Building the Information Highway," Technology Review
Magazine, MIT Cambridge, MA (January 1991). "How Serious is America's Industrial Position?", Chief Executive
Magazine, New York, NY (November/December 1990).
"Integrating People and Computers", World Link Magazine, Lausanne,
Switzerland (July/August 1990). Dertouzos, M.L., S. Berger, R.K. Lester, RJ. Solow, and L. Thurow,
"Toward A New Industrial America," Scientific American, June 1989, Vol. 260, No. 6. Cover Story, "The Multiprocessor Revolution: Harnessing Computers
Together," Technology Review Magazine, MIT Cambridge, MA (February/March 1986). Dertouzos, M.L., "Personal Computers," 1986 Edition of World Book
Encyclopaedia, Chicago, IL, 1986. "Super Computers," Newsweek Magazine Cover Story, June, 1984.
"DP & Academia: The Communications Gap," Technology Transfer
Magazine, Santa Monica, CA, September 1984. Dertouzos, M.L. "From Lab to Marketplace: Basic Research and
Product Development," in Proceedings of Growth and Competitiveness in Hi Technology Industries, A Japan-US Comparative Conference. The Japan Society, New York, NY, April 1984. Dertouzos, M.L. "Software and Unorthodox Architectures: Where are
We Headed?" in Cutting Edge Technologies, Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1984, 27-37. Dertouzos, M.L. "Software Technology and Computer Architectures
by 2000 A.D.," Proceedings of the National Academy of Engineering, 19th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1983. Dertouzos, M.L., Arvind and R. Iannucci, "A Multiprocessor Emulation
Facility," MIT/LCS/TR-302, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, October 1983. Dertouzos, M.L. and Moses, J. "Coherence," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, School of Engineering, Project Athena, Cambridge, MA, September 1983. Dertouzos, M.L. "A Response to the Japanese Fifth Generation
Challenge," Proceedings of a Symposium for Senior Executives, Global Technological Change: A Strategic Assessment, MIT Cambridge, MA, June 1983. Dertouzos, M.L. "New Computer Architectures," Adler & Company
Institutional Investors Conference, New York, NY, June 1983. Dertouzos, M.L. "The Information Revolution: Developments and
Consequences by 2000 A.D.," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol 426, Pagels, H.R., (ed.) 19-31 The Scientific Intellectual and Social Impact of the Computer, New York, NY, April 1983. Dertouzos, M.L. and Moses, J. "Educational Computing," Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Cambridge, MA, January 1983. |
Dertouzos, M.L. et.al. "Report of the Task Force on Fundraising for the
School of Engineering," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Cambridge, MA, December 1982. Dertouzos, M.L., Abelson, H., diSessa, A. and Weir, S. "Excellence in
Educational Computing," Internal Paper, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, October 1982. Dertouzos, M.L. "The Japanese Fifth Generation Project: A Plan for
World Supremacy in Informatics," ("Le Plan Japonais Pour la Suprematie Informatique Mondiale") Inaugural Board Meeting, The World Center for Informatics and Human Resources, Paris, France, March 1982. Dertouzos, M.L. "Computers: Developments and Consequences by the
Year 2000," Athens Academy, Athens Greece, February 1982. Dertouzos, M.L. "Profitable Long-Range Industrial Research: A
Response to the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Challenge," Presented at the Corporate Executive Officers Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 1982. (Founding meeting for the MCC.) Also in Tsusho Koho, (Japanese Trade Bulletin), July 10, 1982. Dertouzos, M.L. "The Information Marketplace," Proceedings of the
AFIPS Workshop on Technical and Policy Issues in Electronic Mail and Message Systems, Washington, DC, December 1980. Dertouzos, M.L. "The Computer Age," Proceedings of a Symposium for
Senior Executives, The Decades Ahead: An MIT Perspective, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1980. Dertouzos, M. L. et. al. "Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Future
Computational Needs and Resources," MIT Cambridge, MA, April 1979. Dertouzos, M.L. "Expected Computer Developments and Associated
Societal Consequences," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer, Man and Society, Haifa Israel, October 1979. Dertouzos, M. L. etal "Report of the Advisory Committee on
Information Network Structure and Functions for the Executive Office of the President," Washington DC, February 1979. |
Dertouzos, M.L. and A. Mok "Multiprocessor Scheduling in a Hard
Real-time Environment," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (May 1979). Rivest, R., L. Adelman, and M.L. Dertouzos "On Data Banks and
Privacy Homomorphisms," Foundations of Secure Computation,
Proceedings of the Atlanta Conference on Computer Security (October
1977), Academic Press, Spring 1978. Dertouzos, M.L. "An Educational Laboratory Using Computer-
Programmed Microcomputers," NSF Human Resources Research Organization, Virginia, September 1975. Dertouzos, M.L. "Control Robotics: The Procedural Control of Physical
Processes," Proceedings of the IFIPS Congress, Stockholm Sweden (August 1974), 807-813. Dertouzos, M.L. "Time Bounds on Space Computations," IEEE
Transactions on Computers, C-22, 1 (January 1973). Dertouzos, M.L., G.P. Jessel and J.R. Stinger, "Circal-2: General Purpose
On-line Circuit Design," Proceedings of the IEEE, 60, 1 (January 1972) 39-48. Dertouzos, M.L. "Elements, Systems and Computation: A Five-year
Experiment in Combining Networks, Digital Systems and Numerical Techniques in the First Course," IEEE Transactions on Education, El 4- 4 (November 1971) 197-201. Dertouzos, M.L., et al. "Insight vs. Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on
Education E14-4 (November 1971) 164-169. Dertouzos, M.L. "Computer Science Education in the Soviet Union,"
IEEE Spectrum, 6, 12 (December 1969). Dertouzos, M.L. "Character Generation from Resistive Storage of Time
Derivatives," AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Fall Joint Computer Conference, 35 (November 1969). Dertouzos, M.L. "Educational Uses of On-line Circuit Design," IEEE
Transactions on Education, E-12, 3 (September 1969). |
Dertouzos, M.L. "Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Networks by
Recursive Decomposition," Proceedings of Second Biennial Cornell Electrical Engineering Conference on Computerized Electronics, 2 (August 1969). Narud, J.A., M. L. Dertouzos and G.P. Jessel, "Computer-Aided Analysis
for Integrated Circuits," Invited Paper Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuit Theory, Miami Beach, FL, (December 1968). Dertouzos, M.L. "Man-Machine Interaction in Circuit Design,"
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii (January 1968). Dertouzos, M.L. "An Introduction to On-line Circuit Design,"
Proceedings of the IEEE (November 1967). Dertouzos, M.L. "Panel Discussion on Computer-aided Design," Invited
paper, Proceedings of the IEEE (November 1967). Dertouzos, M.L. "An Introduction to On-line Circuit Design," invited
paper, Proceedings of the Fifth Allertown Conference on Circuit and System Theory, Monticello, IL (October 1967). Dertouzos, M.L. "Circal: On-line Circuit Design," Proceedings of the
IEEE, 55, 5 (May 1967). Dertouzos, M.L. "Phaseplot: An On-line Graphical Design Technique,"
IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-16 2 (April 1967). Dertouzos, M.L. and Z.C. Fluhr, "Minimization and Convexity in
Threshold Logic," IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-16, 2 (April 1967). Therrien, C.W. and M.L. Dertouzos "Circal: On-line Design of Electronic
Circuits," Proceedings of NEREM, Boston, MA (1966). Dertouzos, M.L. and H.L. Graham "A Parametric Graphical Display
Technique for On-line Use," Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco, CA (November 1966). Dertouzos, M.L. and P.J. Santos, "CADD: On-line Synthesis of Logic
Circuits," MIT Report ESL-R-253, MIT Electronic Systems Laboratory,
Cambridge, MA, December 1965. Dertouzos, M.L. and C.W. Therrien "Circal: On-line Analysis of
Electronic Networks," MIT Report ESL-R-248, MIT Electronics Systems Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, December 1965. Dertouzos, M.L. Review of "Generation and Asymmetry of Self-dual
Threshold Functions," IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC- 14, 4 (August 1965). Dertouzos, M.L. "An Approach to Threshold Element Synthesis," IEEE
Transactions on Electronic computers, EC-13 (October 1964). Dertouzos, M.L. "Threshold-element Synthesis," Ph.D Dissertation, MIT
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ESL-R- 200 MIT Electronic Systems Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, 1964. Dertouzos, M.L. and J.K. Roberge, "Reaction-Wheel Attitude Control of
Space Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Applications and Industry (March 1964). Several additional internal progress reports in connection with the
conduct of research. |
CBS "60 Minutes," U.S. Competitiveness in Technololgy Segment with
Mike Wallace (4/21/91). World Monitor Radio, "Daily Edition" with Rob Nelson (10/29/90).
KJLH-FM Radio, Interview with Carl Nelson (10/23/90). KWHY-TV, "Focus on Business" (10/23/90). KMNY Radio, "Vera's Voice" (10/22/90). Science, "The Pentagon's Ambitious Computer Plan," Vol. 222
(12/16/83). |
l i
Computer Design, Editorial Rebuttal, "Academia and the Shark-Part
II," (11/83). Technology Review, "Four Ways to Beat Japan," (10/83).
La Recherche, "The Fifth Generation," Vol. 14 (10/83). Newsweek, "Cracking Down on Hackers," (10/24/83). Washington Post, "Computer Tampering by Young Hobbyist Yielded
No Federal Secrets, Officials Say," (10/15/83). National Public Radio, "All Things Considered," (9/23/83).
CBS Evening News, New York (interview with Dan Rather), Special
Series on Computers (9/83). Computer Design, Editorial Subject, "Academia and the Shark," (9/83).
Washington Post, "IBM's Peanut Vendor," (8/21/83). NBC Today Show, Discussion on "Computers and the Classroom,"
(8/8/83). MIT Tech Talk, "Japanese Pose Computer Threat," (7/27/83).
Boston Herald, "Japan Ready to Corner Computer Market," (7/25/83). Newsweek Cover Story, "Super Computers," (7/4/83). Science, "Japanese Borrow Plan from U.S." Vol. 220 (5/6/83). British Broadcasting Corporation, Horizon, "Better Mind the
Computer," (3/21/83). Washington Post, "U.S. Urged to Aid Development of New Generation
of Computers," (4/6/83). Christian Science Monitor, "Thinking Computers: MIT's Dertouzos
Wants America To Be The First To Build One," (1/13/83). Science News "The Information Revolution: Helping Workers Survive
It," (11/20/82). |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, "Quirks and Quarks," Radio
Program (6/22/82). New York Times, "Light, Cold, Molecules: The Fantastic Stuff of New
Computers," (5/30/82). Popular Computing, "Japan May Win U.S. Computer Market by 1990,
Expert Warns," (11/81). Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Documentary, "Computer Crime,"
TWA Ambassador Magazine, "Faking It: Computer Driven Simulators
Can Save Industry Big Bucks," (10/81). German Television Documentary (9/9/81).
Technology Review, "High Technology: Back in the Bottle?" (Fall
1981). Wall Street Journal, "Computer Architects Trying to Expand Limits of
Design," (8/28/81). Electronics Magazine, "Technologists See Japanese Closing Gap,"
(4/21/81). Science Magazine, "MIT Committee Seeks Cryptography Policy,"
(3/13/81). Newsweek Cover Story, "Machines That Think," (6/30/80).
Boston Globe, "Computers of the Future," (6/29/80). Chicago Tribune, "Computer Elitists are Seen as Growing Danger,"
(8/1/79). Boston Television WLVI, "Point of View," (7/79).
Dutch Television Documentary (3/79) Boston Globe, "The All-Pervasive Computer Invades the World of
Kids," (12/7/78). |
Boston CBS Affiliate WNAC-TV, "Prime Concern," (10/11/78).
Boston Globe, "The Computerized House," (6/4/78). Wall Street Journal, "Easy Access: Computers That Use Plain English
Permit Vast New Applications," (3/27/78). Time Magazine, "Computer World", Essay Response to "Toward an
Intelligence Beyond Man's," (3/13/78). Time Magazine Cover Story, "The Computer Society 'How a Computer
Adds 1 and 1'," (2/20/78). MIT Tech Talk, "Committee to Plan Computer Growth Over Coming
Decade,"(1/18/78). Boston Globe, "Is There a Personal Computer in the House?"
(1/10/78). Boston Herald American, "The Computer Finally Deserves a New
Image," (5/18/77). New York Times, "Forecast in Electronics Industry," (11/12/76).
People Weekly, "In His On Words: An MIT Expert Foresees
Computers that Clean, Mow Lawns and Become Playmates," (8/30/76). Newsweek, "Who's Really Who in Computers," (5/26/75).
And Miscellaneous Writeups in the Newton Graphic (10/4/74 -
5/29/75), MIT Tech Talk (5/28/75), Morning Record, Meriden, CT (12/6/76), Athens To Vima (9/2/76). |
"Computers and Productivity", Information Technologie Innovation
Les Recontres De L'Information Specialisee, Paris, France, February 10, 1993. |
"The Information Marketplace", Global Communication and Human
Change Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, May 7, 1992 "Ancient Humans and Modern Computers", Distinguished Lecturer
Series of the University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, April 10, 1992. "Computers and Productivity", The Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
March 19, 1992. "Document Dreams: Ancient Humans at the service of Modern
Computers", Xerox Document Symposium, Stamford, CT, March 10, 1992. "Made In America", Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania,
Pittsburgh, PA, February 18, 1992. "Technology Transfer Myths & Realities", Association of University
Technology Managment, Orlando, FL, February 17, 1992. "Building the Information Marketplace", Anderson Consulting,
Technical Advisory Committee, Boston, MA, January 14, 1992. "EEC Onfo-Agora", ESPRIT IT Forum, Coudenberg 3, Brussels,
November 28, 1991. "Integrations", Keynote Address, American Production and Inventory
Control Society, Inc. 34th International Conference, Seattle, WA, October 21, 1991. "Made In America", YPO Bermuda Area Conference 1991, Bermuda,
September 28, 1991. "The Information Marketplace", Symposium on Gigabit Networks,
Washington, DC, July 16, 1991. "Technology, Productivity and Manufacturing", CSC Index Senior
Management Interchanges, Toronto, Ontario, June 6, 1991. "Made In America: Regaining the Productive Edge," Keynote Address,
United Technologies UTECA Conference, Springfield, MA, May 1, 1991. |
"Computers and Productivity," Anderson Consulting CIO Workshop,
Rye Brook, NY, April 11, 1991. "Computers and Productivity," Keynote Address, Inaugural
Convocation, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 21, 1991. "Made In America: Regaining the Productive Edge," Du Pont Corporate
Process Control Conference, Newark, DE, March 12, 1991. "Industrial Productivity and Japan," Central Intelligence Agency,
Office of East Asian Analysis, Rosslyn, VA, December 11, 1991. "Computers and Productivity," IEEE Symposium on Government
Policy Making and Technological Competitiveness, Washington, D.C., December 3, 1991. "Regaining America's Productive Edge in the Global Competition,"
Ohio Manufacturers' Association and the Ohio Department of Development Conference on Manufacturing Realities: Competing for World Leadership in the 21st Century, Cleveland, OH, October 25, 1990. "Made In America: People, Technology and Productivity," Computer
World '90 International Symposium, Osaka, Japan, November 7, 1990. Organizer and Moderator, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Distinguished Lecturer Series, 1976 - present. "The Computer Productivity Paradox," Stanford University Computer
Science Colloquium Series, Stanford, CA, March 14, 1989. "Final Report of the MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity," MIT
Campus Visits Program, Cambridge, MA, April 14, 1989. "Summary of Results of the MIT Commission on Industrial
Productivity," MIT Corporation Luncheon, Cambridge, MA, December 2, 1988. |
"U.S. Productivity: What Went Wrong and Where We Are Headed,"
MIT Professor Emeriti Fall Luncheon, Cambridge, MA, November 17, 1988. "MIT's Role in Industrial Competitiveness," MIT Corporation
Development Committee Annual Meeting, New York, NY, November
10, 1988. "Summary of Results of the MIT Commission on Industrial
Productivity," MIT Executive Committee, Cambridge, MA, November 3, 1988. "Computers for Productivity," MIT Computer Science Research
Symposium in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of Project MAC, Cambridge, MA, October 26, 1988. "Summary of Results of the MIT Commission on Industrial
Productivity," John Reed MIT Dinner, New York, NY, October 11, 1988. "Report on the Interim Results of the MIT Commission on Industrial
Productivity," MIT Campus Visits Program, Cambridge, MA, April 22, 1988. "Multiple Cooperating Computers: The New Drive in Information
Technology," MIT 1987 Corporate Leadership Awards Ceremony, Cambridge, MA, April 24, 1987. "Long Term Trends In Information Technology," Internal Revenue
Service, Washington, DC, March 6, 1987. Hellenic Alpha Omega Council, February 19, 1987.
"Trends in Computers," Address to MIT Bush Fellows, Cambridge, MA,
February 6, 1987. "Long Term Trends In Information Technology," Internal Revenue
Service, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 30, 1986. "Technology Overview," Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Seminar on
Advanced Information Technology: The Europe - Japan - USA confrontation, Milano, Italy, October 15, 1986. |
"Dominant Technological Trends v2000 Versus 1986 -- What Will
Make the Difference" The Society For Information Management, Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, September 28 - October 2, 1986. "The Frontiers of Information Technology by 2000 A.D.," Harvard
University's 350th Anniversary Celebration, Cambridge, MA, September 28, 1986. "Future Information Technology and Some Thoughts on T.I.'s Role,"
Texas Instruments, Inc. Dallas, TX, September 25, 1986. "Core Information Technology Issues," MIT Sloan School of
Management Theme Colloquium, Management In The 1990s, Endicott House, Dedham, MA, July 21, 1986. "Multiple Cooperating Computers," Data General Corporation,
Westboro, MA, June 1986. "Computing: What It Means For The Future," Technologic Partners
Advanced Computer Systems Conference, Boston, MA, May 20, 1986. "Multiple Cooperating Computers: The New Drive in Information
Technology," Emerging Technologies: Visions and Opportunities, A Symposium for Senior Executives, Commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the Japan Office of the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Tokyo, Japan, March 17-18, 1986. "U.S. Computer Science Research: Current Thrusts and Future
Opportunities," NSF Advisory Committee for Computer Research, Workshop on Planning for the Growth of Academic Computer Science, Washington, DC, February 28, 1986. "MIT's Project Athena: Computers in Education," MIT Club of Greece,
Athens, Greece, September 24, 1985. "Fifth Generation: Symbol or Fact," MIT Industrial Liaison Program
Conference: Managing the Transition to the Fifth Generation, Cambridge, MA, May 3, 1985 "The Myrias Seduction: Thousands of Computers Harnessed
Together," Columbia University Distinguished Lecture Series, New York, February 25, 1985. |
"Distributed Systems: A Users and Systems View," Data General
Corporation, Westboro, MA, January 30, 1985. "Future Technologies," Gaston Snow & Ely Bartlett Computer and High
Technology Group, Program on Computers and High Technology Law, Boston, MA, December 1984. "Computer Tribes," 1984 University/IBM DSD Symposium on the
Design, Development, and Manufacture of Large Computer Systems, IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, NY, November 1984. "Networked Computer Systems: Issues and Trends," MIT Industrial
Liaison Program Symposium, Cambridge, MA, May 1984. "American Industry and the University: New Possibilities for Hi-tech
Cooperation," Japan Society, New York, NY, April 1984. "Future Trends in Information Processing," Joint Meeting of the MIT
Clubs of Hartford and New Haven, Meriden, CT, March 1984. "Tomorrow's Exciting Information Technology," Analog Devices
General Technical Conference, Boxborough, MA, March 20, 1984. "Computer Tribes and Computation by the Yard: The Emerging
Multiple-Processor Revolution," EECS Colloquium, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, March 1984. "The Software Myth and the Myria-Processor Prophecy," MIT
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 6001 IAP course, Cambridge, MA, January 1984. "Knowledge Base and the Fifth Generation," Technology Transfer
Institute, Washington, DC, November 1983. "Software Technology and Computer Architectures by 2000 AD,"
National Academy of Engineering, 19th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1983. "Long Term Trends in Information Technology," Harris Corporation,
Annual Corporate Technology Seminar, Melbourne, FL, September 1983. |
"New Computer Architectures," Adler and Company Institutional
Investor Conference, New York, NY, June 1983. "A Response to the Japanese Fifth Generation Challenge," MIT
Industrial Liaison Program Symposium for Senior Executives, Global Technological Change: A Strategic Assessment, Cambridge, MA, June 1983. "Computers and Consequences by the Year 2000," Data General
Manufacturing Management Conference, Woodstock, CT, May 1983. "Computers, Business and Banking: The Next Two Decades," 11th
Annual Meeting of Ergobanking, The National Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece, May 1983. "The Information Revolution: Developments and Consequences by
2000 AD," Computer Culture, The Scientific, Intellectual and Social Impact of the Computer, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, April 1983. "Technological Innovations in the Near Future," Fondazione Giovanni
Agnelli, Torino, Italy, March 1983. "The Future of Computer Technology," Volvo International Advisory
Board, New York City, NY, January 1983. "Will Japan Control the Information Revolution?" EG&G Incorporated,
Wellesley, MA, January 1983. "Computerization: Which Road to the Future," MIT Alumni
Association, 1982-83 Boston Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA, November 1982. "Japan and Informatics," Volvo of America Technology Workshop,
New York, NY, October 1982. "The Fifth Generation Computer Project: A Serious Challenge for the
U.S., "Presentation before the US Defense Science Board, Washington, DC, October 1982, |
"The Fifth Generation Computer Project," The Japan Society of Boston,
Symposium on High Technology and Japan's Industrial Future, Boston, MA, September 1982. "Ten Challenging Projects in Computer Science," University of
Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, Tenth Anniversary Celebration, Marina del Rey, CA, May 1982. "Some Expected Computer Developments and Consequences: The
Next Two Decades," New Telematics Service Day, E.A. Fiera International Milan Fair, Milan Italy, April 1982. "The Japanese Fifth Generation Project: A Plan for World Supremacy
in Informatics," Paris World Center, Paris France, March 1982. "Computers and People Beyond 1984," MIT Alumni Council,
Cambridge, MA, March 1982. "Computers: Developments and Consequences by the Year 2000,"
Athens Academy of Electrical Engineering, Athens Greece, February 1982. "The Information Marketplace," MIT Industrial Liaison Program,
European course on Personal Computers, Networks, and Office Automation, Paris, France, February 1982. "Expected Technological Developments in the Computer Field,"
MIT Industrial Liaison Program, European course on Personal Computers, Networks, and Office Automation, Paris, France, February 1982. "People and Computers by 2000 A.D.," 2900 Club Limited, Conference
on World Computing, London, England, November 1981. "Computer Science Research Directions," Kellogg National Fellowship
Program, MIT Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA, November 1981. "Computer Applications in the Home," MIT Corporation Wives Group,
MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 1981. "Expected Technological Developments in the Computer Field: The
Information Marketplace," MIT Industrial Liaison Program, European |
course on Personal Computers, Networks, and Office Automation,
Zurich, Switzerland, June 1981. "Overview and Future Trends," Research Highlights at the MIT
Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT Industrial Liaison Symposium, Cambridge, MA, May 1981. "Long Range Research at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science,"
NEC Systems Laboratory, Lexington, MA, April 1981. "The Computer Age: A Twenty Year View," The Boston Stein Club,
Boston, MA, March 1981. "The Computer Age," MIT Industrial Liaison Program, A Symposium
for Senior Executives, The Decades Ahead: An MIT Perspective, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1980. "The Information Marketplace," AFIPS Workshop on Technical and
Policy Issues in Electronic Mail and Message Systems, Washington, DC, December 1980. "The Next Twenty Years with Computers and People," Siemens
Corporation, Munich Germany, November 1980. "Computers and People: Some Delphi-Oracle Predications," 1980
Zinon Papanastassiou Memorial Lectureship, Hellenic College, Brookline, MA, April 1980. "Computers and People in the Next Twenty Years," MIT Industrial
Liaison Program, Tojo Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan, March 1980. "Some Expected Computer Developments and Consequences: The
Next Two Decades," Testimony before the US Senate Judiciary Committee on the Federal Computer Systems Protection Act of 1979, Washington, DC, February 28, 1980. "Societal Prospects and Problems of Information Processing,"
International Symposium on Computer Man and Society, Haifa, Israel, October 1979. "Computers and Information Processing: A Twenty Year View,"
Keynote Address, International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Patras, Greece, July 1979. |
"Forefront Research in Computer Science," Royal Swedish Academy of
Engineering Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1979. "Expected Developments in the Computer Field," Presentation before
the Committee on Science and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, Berkeley, CA, February 1979. "Speculations on Computing by the Year 2000," Keynote Address,
Seventh Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Houston, TX, October 1978. "Multiprocessor Scheduling in a Hard Real-time Environment,"
Seventh Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Houston, TX, October 1978. "Computers for Command and Control," Technology Trends
Colloquium, Department of Defense, Annapolis, MD, March 1978. "The Computer Field," Science Writer's Club, Boston, MA, January
1978. "Future of Computers," MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Student Faculty Committee, Independent Activities Period Lecture Series, MIT, Cambridge, MA, January 1978. "What the Future Might Bring," MIT Alumni Seminar, The Computer:
Your New Man Friday, MIT, Cambridge, MA, July 1977. "Scheduling of Microprocessors for the Control of Physical Processes,"
Computers and Computing Seminars, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, March 1977. "Future Impact of Computers and Information Processing," MIT
Industrial Liaison Program (for Sperry Rand Research Committee), MIT Cambridge, February 1977. "Computers: A View into the Next 20 Years," Naval War College,
Newport, RI, January 1977. "Computer Science Research at MIT," Stanford University and
University of California, Stanford and Berkeley, CA, November 1976. |
"Scheduling of Microprocessors for the Control of Physical Processes,"
Distinguished Lecturer Series, Carnegie-Mellon University Computer Science Department, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1976. "Scheduling of Microprocessors for the Control of Physical Processes,"
Oxford University, Oxford, England, June 1976. "Careers in the Computer Field," Enrichment Program, Newton South
High School, Newton, MA, November 1975. "An Educational Laboratory Using Computer Programmed
Microcomputers — 10 Year Forecast for Computer and Communication," National Science Foundation, Human Resources Research Organization, Arlington, VA, September 1975. "Research at MIT," First Annual Meeting of Academia de la
Investigacion Cientifica, Mexico City, Mexico, July 1975. "Potential Research Activities," (1) AryaMehr University, Teheran,
Iran; (2) Athens Polytechnic Institute, Athens Greece; (3) Athens Nuclear Research Center, Athens, Greece, June 1975. "Progress of Computers," Lowell Tech, Boston, MA, March 1974.
"Computers in the Introductory Computer Science Course and in a
Robotics Laboratory," Computers and Undergraduate Education Lectures Series, Rice University, Houston, TX, April 1974. "Future Directions in Computers," Workshop on Numerical
Hydrodynamics, Office of Naval Research and National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, May 1974. "Control Robotics: The Procedural Control of Physical Processes,"
IFIPS Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1974. "Computer Graphics: Problems and Progress," Keynote Address,
Erlangen Symposium on Display Use for Man-Machine Dialogue, March 1971. "Elements, Systems and Computation: A Five Year Experiment in
Combining Networks, Digital Systems and Numerical Techniques in |
the First Course," Symposium on Applications of Computers to
Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, April 1971. "Elements, Systems and Computation," Special summer course on MIT
subject 6.001, sponsored by Cosine Committee, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, June 1968. "On-line Circuit Design," Co-chairman and lecturer at summer course
6.56S, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, July 1967. "Computer-Aided Design," A series of lectures, Siemens Corporation,
Munich Germany, July 1968. "Computer-Aided Circuit Design," MIT/Technical University of Berlin
Joint Summer Conference on "The Computer and the University," Berlin, Germany, July/August 1968. "Computer-Aided Circuit Design," Co-chairman and lecturer, MIT
Industrial Liaison Symposium, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 1967. "On-line Systems and Circuit Simulation," (1) Electrical Engineering
Department Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, November 1967; (2) IEEE Computer Group, Boston, MA, October 1967; (3) IEEEm Devices Group, Boston, MA, October 1966; (4) IEEE Rochester, New York Chapter, October 1966. "Computer-Aided Design," (and allied topics) eight lectures, Siemens
Corporation and Halske, Munich Germany, June 1966. |
Chairman: "Building the Information Marketplace", Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Industrial Liaison Program Symposium, Cambridge, MA, October 10-11, 1991. Panelist: "The Vannevar Bush Centennial Symposium" MIT Defence
and Arms Control Studies Program, May 30-31, 1991. Panelist: "National Agenda and Priorities in Computer Science and
Engineering Research, University Perspectives," NSF-Industry- University Symposium, White Plains, NY, April 24-26, 1989. Witness: Congress of the US Joint Economic Committee's
Subcommittee on Education and Health, Washington, DC, December 15, 1988. Panelist: "Computing Research Perspectives," Snowbird 1988:
Conference of the Chairs of PhD-granting Computer Science and Engineering Departments, Snowbird, UT, July 12, 1988. Panelist: "Research and Development," Consultation on
Competitiveness, The Carter Center of Emory University, Atlanta, GA, April 25-26, 1988. Panelist: "Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Centenary
International Conference on Technology, Education and Society, May 10-15, 1987. Moderator: "Star Wars: Can the Computing Requirements be Met?"
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 21, 1985 Panelist: "High Technology in our Changing Economy," The Canadian
American Committee 55th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 16, 1985. Panelist: "Long Term Prospects for Computers in Graduate Education,"
36th Annual Conference of the Association of Graduate Schools in the Association of American Universities, Boston, MA, October 1984. |
Panelist: "The Significance of the Fifth Generation," at the ACM
Conference on the Fifth Generation Challenge, San Francisco, CA, October 8-10, 1984. Panelist: Ancient Humans in Tomorrow's Electronic World, Aspen
Institute for Humanistic Studies, Wye Plantation, Queenstown, MD, September 1984. Speaker: Ad Hoc Committee on Depository Library Access to Federal
Automated Data Bases, Washington, DC, December 1983. Moderator: Home Information Systems, MIT Alumni Association,
Technology Day, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1982. Chairman and Moderator: MIT/Siemens Conference Joint Conference
Siemens Corporation, Munich Germany, March 1984. Chairman and Moderator: MIT/Siemens Joint Conference Siemens
Corporation, Munich Germany, March 1986. Chairman and Moderator: Personal Computers, Networks and Office
Automation, MIT Industrial Liaison Program, European course, Paris, France, February 1982. Speaker: Ad Hoc Committee on Depository Library Access to Federal
Automated Data Bases, Washington, DC, December 1983. Moderator: Home Information Systems, MIT Alumni Association,
Technology Day, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1982. Chairman and Moderator: MIT/Siemens Conference on Distributed
Systems, Siemens Corporation, Munich Germany, May 1982. Chairman and Moderator: Personal Computers, Networks and Office
Automation, MIT Industrial Liaison Program, European course, Paris, France, February 1982. Panelist: Encryption: The Policy Issues, MIT Research Program on
Communications Policy, MIT Cambridge, MA, December 1981. Panelist: IEEE Workshop on Communications Security, Crypto 81,
Santa Barbara, CA, August 1981. |
Chairman and Moderator: Personal Computers, Networks, and Office
Automation, MIT Industrial Liaison Program, European course, Zurich Switzerland, June 1981. Panelist: Secrecy and Cryptography Research, National Engineering
Society and MIT Science, Technology and Society Program, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 1981. Panelist: The New Relationship Between the U.S. and Japan
Electronics, Electro81, New York City, April 1981. Meeting: Principal Investigators Meeting, Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, Monterey, CA, April 1980. Session Chairman: Computer, Communications and Society, A
Symposium for Senior Executives, The Decades Ahead: An MIT Perspective, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1980. Session Chairman, "Computers and People: Future Partnership or
Conflict?" Inaugural Symposia for MIT's new President Paul Gray, Cambridge, MA, September 1980. Panelist: U.S. Department of Defense Colloquium on Command and
Control, MIT Endicott House, Dedham, MA, March 1979. Chairman and Moderator: "Computers and Society," MIT, Cambridge,
MA, April 1979. Meeting: Defense Research and Engineering-Intelligence Community,
Technology Forecast Colloquium, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, March/April 1979. Meeting: Discussion of Computer Science Research at MIT; Oxford
and Cambridge Universities, Cambridge, England, June 1976. Panelist: MIT Club of Washington, Conference on Technological
Innovation and Economic Development: Has the U.S. Lost the Initiative? Washington, DC, April 1976. Meeting: To plan Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency work
on Naval Testbed, San Diego, CA, March 1976. |
Chairman: Future Impact of Computers and Information Processing,
MIT/ATT Convocation on Communications, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 1976. Panelist: The Emerging Role of Technology in the Arts, Electronic
Music Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, February 1976. Meeting: Plan of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency work
in Naval Testbed, Rand Corporation, Washington, DC, January 1976. Meeting: Principal Investigators Meeting, Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense, San Diego, CA, March 1975. Meeting: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Advanced
Computer Memory Concepts, Newark, NJ, November 1974. Meeting: "Future Impact of Computers and Manufacturing," MIT
Industrial Liaison Program Symposium, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1974. Meeting: Peoples Republic of China Liaison Office, to discuss scientific
exchanges, July 1974. Panelist: "University Computer Science Education: Some Interesting
Recent Developments," National Computer Conference, Chicago, IL, May 1974 and Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, April 1974. Chairman: USM/MIT Computer Controlled Machinery and Process
Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 1974. Session Chairman: Computer Graphics Symposium, Berlin, Germany,
October 1971. Chairman and Organizer: "Undergraduate Electrical Engineering
Activities at MIT," Symposium on Applications of Computers to Electrical Engineering Education, Purdue University, Lafayette, ID, April 1971. Chairman and Organizer: "Insight vs. Algorithms: A Leader's View,"
Symposium on Applications of Computers to Electrical Engineering Education, Purdue University, Lafayette, ID, April 1971. |
Panelist: "Everything You Want to Know About Computers (But Are
Afraid to Ask)," Symposium on Applications of Computers to Electrical Engineering Education, Purdue University, Lafayette, ID, April 1971. Co-Chairman: IEEE Lecture Series on Modems (with Robert Gallager),
Boston, MA, February 1971. Session Chairman: "Computer-aided Network Design," at the
International Circuit Theory Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 1970. Session Director: International IEEE Computer Conference,
Washington, DC, June 1970. Panelist: Design Automation Session: Sprint Joint Computer
Conference, Boston, MA, May 1969. Panelist: "Computer-aided Circuit Design," IEEE International Solid
State Circuits Conference, Philadelphia, PN, February 1969. Chairman, Computer Graphics Session and Panelist: MIT/Technical
University of Berlin Joint Summer Conference on "The Computer and The University," Berlin, German, July/August 1968. Session Chairman: "Computer-aided Circuit Design: A Critical
Appraisal," NEREM 1967, Boston, MA, November 1967. |
Founder and Chairman of the Board Computek, Inc. (1968-1974).
Director, Flexible Computer Corporation (1983-1986) |
Consultant to the following:
American Cyanamid
Adler and Company
Atomic Energy Commission
Baldwin Electronics Inc
Bally Manufacturing
Bank of Greece
Bede Electronics
Buckeye Corporation
Computek, Inc
Computervision Corp
Data Concepts
Data General Inc
Deering Milliken, Inc
Electric Tally Corporation
Engineering Systems, Inc
Ergo Bank
Esso Research Center
Flexible Computer Corporation
Government of Greece
Government of Mexico
Heath Company
Holt, Rinehard and Winston, Inc
Hooker Chemical Corporation
Infoplan S.A.
IBM Corporation
Kimberly Clark
Lehman Brothers
Motorola, Inc.
National Bank of Greece
Olympic Airways, Athens Greece
Reavis and McGrath
Titan Cement Company, S.A.
United Aircraft, Hamilton
Standard Division
United States Navy USM Corporation |
Development of New Course -- Structure and Interpretation of
Computer Languages, MIT core-curriculum course 6.031. Development with Professor S. Ward of course 6.031 Educational
Time-shared PDP-11/45 system, Summer 1972. Development of New Course — Robotics Laboratory, course 6.175,
combining microcomputers and control. |
Development of New Course — Networks, Systems and Computation,
MIT Course 6.001 which combines continuous-discrete, linear- nonlinear and analytical algorithmic approaches, 1966-1971. |
Automata Theory
Circuits Signals and Systems
Computation Structures
Digital Systems
Linear Algebra
Mathematical Logic
Modern Algebra
Networks, Systems and Computation
Engineering Robotics Laboratory
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Languages
Doctoral Theses
Ward, S.A. "Functional Domains of Applicative Language,"
September 1974. Pfister, G. "The Computer Control of Changing Pictures," September
1974. Jessel, G.P. "A Theory of Computer-Aided Network Analysis,"
August 1972. Stinger, J.R. "Effective Computing Machines Using Inexact Sub-
structures," June 1972. Kaliski, M.E. "Dynamic Systems: An Automata Motivated Analytic
Approach," July 1971. Graham, H.L. "Recursive Graph Decomposition: An Approach to
Computer Analysis of Networks," May 1971. C.W. Therrien, "Tearing of Networks," June 1969.
Master's Theses
Mok, A. "Multiprocessor Scheduling Under Real Time Deadline"
Malvania, N. "The Design of a Modular Laboratory for Control
Robotics" Geiger, S. "A Sensor-Actuator Language"
Rashwan, M. "Applications of Engineering Robotics"
Isaman, D.L. "On-Line Creation of Functions for Computer-Aided
Circuit Design" Abramson, F. "Real Valued Turing Machines"
Kaliski, M.E. and Polzen, K.E. "Lotus: On-Line Simulation of Block
Diagram Systems" Lum, M. "Computer-Aided Analysis of Non-Linear Networks"
Stinger, J. R. "A General Data Structure for On-Line Circuit Design" VanBree, K. "Frequency Analysis of Linear Circuits Using Sparse
Matrix Techniques" Santos, P. "CADD: Computer-Aided Digital Design Program"
Taubaum, C. "Computer Analysis of Electrical-Analog Distributed
Walpert, G.A. "An Output program for Representing Electrical Signals"
Gertz, J.L. "A Graphical Input Program for Digital System Simulation" Meltzer, J.I. "CIRCAL: An Input for Nonlinear Elements" Olshansky, K.J. "A Low-Cost Teletype Operated Graphic Display" Fluhr, Z.C. "Single Threshold Element Realizability by Minimization" |
Graham, H.L. "A Hybrid Graphical Display Technique"
C.W. Lynn, "Nonlinear Function Processing for Computer Analysis
on Networks" Dickens, M.W. Computer Graphics: Central Problems and Their
Treatment" |
In addition to these, 13 Bachelor's theses were supervised.
Chairman, MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity (1986 - ).
Chairman, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Executive
Committee (1975 - ). Chairman, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Computing
Resources Advisory Committee, (1987 - ). Member, MIT School of Engineering, Project Athena Executive
Committee (1982 - ) (Founder of Project Athena along with J. Moses, and G. Wilson). Member, MIT Engineering Council (1982 - ).
Member, Committee on Promotion Structure and Privileges of
Research Staff (1982 - ). Chairman, School of Engineering Task Force on Fundraising (1982 -
1983). Chairman, Institute Committee on Software Rights (1983 - ).
Chairman, Institute Committee on the Changing Nature of
Information, (1980 - 1985). Member and Technical Coordinator, IBM/MIT Executive Review
Committee (1980 - ). |
Member, Advisory Council, MIT College of Science, Technology and
Society (1978 - )• Member, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Personnel Committee (1974 - ). Member, MIT Faculty Council (1974 - ).
Member, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Personnel Committee (1974 - ). Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Future Computational Needs and
Plans (1978 - 1979). Chairman, Task Force on Computers and Education (1978 - 1979).
Member, Steering Committee for Accreditation of MIT (1978 - 1979). Member, Institute Committee on Educational Policy (1972 - 1974). Chairman, Advisory Committee, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science (1972 - 1973). Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science Preliminary Written Examination Subcommittee for Computer Science and Engineering. Member,Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Area II (Computer Science Graduate Curriculum) Committee. Member, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
VI-3 (Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum) Committee. |