Ten Most Wanted

Page layout and MIDI support went in the bag thanks to PasteUp and Quest Technologies. Anticipation is high for use of 3.0 features; concern is high over NeXT management.

Rank   Last     Item                         Comment  
  1      3      JPEG compression
  2     10      NeXT portable/notebook       Get a '486
  3      8      Full-featured CAD software   Designers clamoring
  4      2      Expanded marketing message   Developers clamoring
  5      3      OD survival                  Cube owners
  6      5      $99/MIPS workstation         Magic price/performance goal
  7      -      NeXT management stability    Late entry rising fast
  8      9      Better sysadmin support      Licensing, configuration management
  9      -      3-D modeling package         On top of 3DKit
 10     U&C*    Choice of keyboards          UNIX users prefer the old one

Up and Coming

Item                            Comment
Examples of NeXTlinks           Proof of concept
Low-cost entry-level system     Can Canon make it cheap?
Extended text object            Missed NeXTSTEP 3.0
Time-based media standard       Better than QuickTime
NeXTSTEP port to SPARCstations  Second step for software strategy

Still Active

Item                            Comment
16-bit color upgrade path       Reward original buyers
End-user relational database    Custom apps not for everyone
World-class service/support     New pricing plan a mixed blessing
Reasonable RAM/storage          Pricing on configured Turbos a help
Multiuser project-management    Standard IPC application

In the Bag

Item                                 Date Removed   Comment
NeXT marketing message               Nov. 1991      Custom apps
3-D graphics/animation **            Jan. 1992      3DKit in NeXTSTEP 3.0
Inexpensive color printer **         Jan. 1992      NeXT Color Printer 
NeXTWORLD Expo                       Jan. 1992      First of many
OS distribution via CD-ROM **        Jan. 1992      When 3.0 ships
NeXTSTEP port to Intel PCs **        Jan. 1992      Ship date slips
NeXT support for Mac floppies **     Jan. 1992      NeXTSTEP 3.0
Services for linking applications ** Jan. 1992      3.0's object linking
Hypertext authoring system           Jan. 1992      CraftMan ships
Page-layout program                  July 1992      PasteUp ships
Built-in MIDI ports or card          May  1992      MIDI Link from Quest 

* On Up-and-Coming list last quarter

** Announced but not shipping