Boulder, CO Ð Visual Numerics is porting its high-end visual data-analysis application, PV-Wave Advantage, to NEXTSTEP at the request of Chicago Research and Trading (CRT), one of NeXT's largest financial customers.
The program "provides integrated analysis and visualization," said Matthew Powell, Visual Numerics' strategic alliances manager. "It takes previously disparate functions and combines them in one package."
PV-Wave Advantage can be used as a stand-alone app or as a basis for custom-app development. The system can link directly with database systems to perform 2-D and 3-D analyses of very large corporate databases.
The firm had not considered a port of the application until asked by CRT. "CRT hired our professional-services group to do a special port,"Powell said. "Once something like that happens, we decide to go ahead and productize it, because the initial engineering is paid for by a customer."
PV-Wave Advantage is priced at $6995 on Sun workstations, but a price for the NEXTSTEP version has not yet been set. The program should be commercially available in the second quarter of 1994.
Visual Numerics: 303/530-9000.