Intel-based products make European debut at CeBIT

by Dan Lavin

Hannover, Germany Ð Two months before NeXTWORLD Expo, excited crowds examined NeXTSTEP and third-party applications running on Intel-based hardware during the CeBIT show here. Over 25,000 attendees were estimated to have visited one of the two booths devoted to NeXTSTEP technology.

At its main booth, NeXT featured several hardware platforms running NeXTSTEP, while a partner booth organized by d'ART, a $10 million NeXTSTEP-only reseller, showcased third-party software applications Ð many running Intel.

"The reception to our offerings by both customers and partners was extremely positive, even more so than we anticipated," said Bernhard Woebker, NeXT vice-president for European sales and marketing.

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