To the Editor: Sullivan botched it

An item in the Lt. Sullivan column [July 1992] about Booz-Allen & Hamilton having "botched the job" at the L.A. Country Sheriff's Department was blatantly false and defamatory. In fact, Booz-Allen won the competitive solicitation for this project with excellent technical qualifications, but the contract was never awarded and Booz-Allen never started work on the project because the department was not able to obtain funding.

Despite your editorial notice that the Lt. Sullivan column appears without guidance from the NeXTWORLD staff, NeXTWORLD is a respected and widely read publication that must be responsible for the material it prints. Booz-Allen & Hamilton must insist on a full and prominent correction of this libelous material.

Marie L. Lerch

Director, PR and Communications

Booz-Allen & Hamilton