NeXT gets Informix RDBMS

by Dan Lavin and Laurie Flynn

Hannover, Germany Ð Informix Software hopes to expand its presence in the NeXT market with the recent announcement

of a version of its relational database-management system for the NeXT machine. Informix-SE (for standard engine) Release 4.1 is an SQL-based system for use mainly in front-end applications in small- to medium-size installations. The company has also ported to the NeXT its front-end database tools, which include Informix-Net, C-ISAM, Informix-4GL, and Informix-SQL.

Informix already offers its Wingz spreadsheet for the NeXT.

"Being sophisticated multimedia workstations, NeXT computers are an ideal front end for all kinds of database-access applications," said Tim Shetler, vice-president of database engines and connectivity products at Informix, whose U.S. headquarters is in Lenexa, Kansas. "The new port is part of our strategy to support all major hardware platforms based on industry standards," he added.

Announced at the recent CeBIT show here, the port of Informix-SE was driven by NeXT's successes in the German market. "When NeXT went to 5000 to 6000 machines in Germany, it was worthwhile to do things," said Werner Niebel, director of marketing for Informix Germany. With NeXT's new emphasis on custom applications, "NeXT now has a different footing in Europe and suddenly has a different approach that made development worthwhile," he said.

The price of the product will depend on configuration and system class. A developer system will cost about $3600, with end-user versions ranging from one-third to one-half that price. The engine will be accompanied by Informix's Rapid Development System, 4GL, SQL 4.1, and debugger.