SBC/OC readies real-time Improv, updates suite of custom-trading apps Since its decision in December 1990 to go with NeXT, Swiss Bank Corporation/O'Connor Services (SBC/OC) has installed 320 machines in its Chicago and London offices and become a major center of software development (see "Bull Market," NeXTWORLD, Fall 1991).

The trading giant is currently finishing up a joint project with Lotus to develop real-time Improv. "We're very involved and we know there are some other third-party people committed to seeing it succeed," says Vice-President Bill Martin. The finished program would allow NeXT applications to easily access a variety of real-time market data.

SBC/OC also helped spec and beta test Concurrence, the outliner and presentation software from Lighthouse Design. "We have 400 Macs. I had to convince the partners that NeXTs were better Macs, and my Mac users told me they couldn't do what they do for the firm without things like MORE 3.0," says Martin.

Traders have just been given Release 2.0 of SBC/OC's custom trading system, the heart of its mission-critical apps strategy. "The app has been very successful in-house and we've started work on Release 3.0 taking over more [financial] instruments than it handles now," Martin says. SBC/OC also plans to roll out two more trading systems in the near future.

"People are really using the machines," says Martin.

by Eliot Bergson