
These are the hottest-selling NeXT products as of press time, according to NeXTConnection, a direct-marketing distribution source for NeXT products. Note that NeXT-Connection handles most, but not all, NeXT products.

1 2.88MB ED Floppy Disks (Toshiba America Electronic Components)

2 Canon Double-Sided Optical Disks (Canon USA)

3 PLI SuperFloppy 2.88MB Floppy Drive (Peripheral Land)

4 16MB Memory Upgrade Kit (NeXTConnection)

5 DoveFax Fax/Modem (Dove Computer)

1 Improv (Lotus Development)

2 OnDuty (Digital Instrumentation Technology)

3 MicroPhone II (Software Ventures)

4 Diagram (Lighthouse Design)

5 Concurrence (Lighthouse Design)