Naval Postgraduate School
Fall 2008
Wed Oct 29, 2008
Images: JPEGs, PNGs, GIFs
Student Projects
Overall, we had an excellent collection of student project proposal:
- Identifying and writing extractors for finding metadata of use to social network analysis.
- Compare 2 different disk images and present the differences nicely.
- Improve error handling of aimage
- Analysis of Microsoft Access and Outlook databases.
- Analysis of existing face recognition algorithms.
- Research methods of permanent deletion of information from secondary storage.
- Reporting an individual's online history
- Analyze the Chip Drive Smart Card Reader and Chip Drive USB Sim Card Stick
Today's Paper Discussion
- Player identification in soccer videos, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo, Walter Nunziati, November 2005, MIR '05: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval
Additional Discussion:
- Using JPEG Quantization Tables to Identify Imagery Processed by Software. Jesse Kornblum., DFRWS 2008
Today's Tools Class
- Image File formats
- Online resources for working with images
- Tools available for working with images
- Tools for working with PDF files
- Online search APIs
- Kornblum's approach of using edit distances for image recognition
- Identification vs. Recognition
- OpenCV
In today's lab I would like to have students research various image processing toolkits available and report back before the end of the class. I will download in advance and make available two data sets:
- - a collection of faces
- - a collection of document files, publicly available.
Optional Readings
- Identifying almost identical files using context triggered
piecewise hashing, Jesse Kornblum, ManTech, DFRWS 2006.
- Person identification from heavily occluded face images, Andreas Lanitis March 2004 SAC '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing
- Audio-visual multi-person tracking and identification for smart environments, Keni Bernardin, Rainer Stiefelhagen, September 2007, MULTIMEDIA '07: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia
- Multimedia surveillance systems, Rita Cucchiara, November 2005, VSSN '05: Proceedings of the third ACM international workshop on Video surveillance & sensor networks
- Face swapping: automatically replacing faces in photographs, Dmitri Bitouk, Neeraj Kumar, Samreen Dhillon, Peter Belhumeur, Shree K. Nayar, August 2008, SIGGRAPH '08: ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers