Harvard University Extension School
Fall 2007

CSCI E-6: Internet Crime

Nov 1, 2007

Data Privacy, Marketing and Identity Theft

Lecture 6 <<                     Lecture 7                    >> Lecture 8

What is privacy?


We will finish our readings in Privacy on the Line:

We will also read the classic privacy law review article by Warren and Brandeis:

The Right to Privacy, Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis, Harvard Law Review, December 1890. [original scan] [responses]


Yamil Suarez slides on the AOL Search Fiasco
Simson Garfinkel's slides on Fair Information

Assignment: 1-page analysis of a EULA or Terms of Service

Write a 1-page analysis of a EULA or Terms of Service from the list below. Your one-page analysis is an "executive summary" should indicate the following information: Note that although we have used the FACTS/ISSUE/RULE/ANALYSIS keywords, your analysis may take any form you wish.