You are standing in the Living Room, the largest room at 10 Spring Street, looking towards my office.
I'm sorry if things look a mess right now, but we just started to move in and I don't have any furnature. So I've been camping out, using the floor as my office, the futon as my chair, and the coffee table as my desk. I hope to have this all cleaned up in a few weeks.
You may notice that we have big, cast-iron radiators. These radiators weigh nearly 700 pounds each. You simply cannot buy them anymore. Our roofer told us that a friend of his liked them so much that he searched through the island, bought them used, and had them installed---all at tremendous cost. I'm happy to have them. I'm happier still tht they are hot-water radiators and not steam radiators.
The door to the left leads to the hallway.